UChicago researchers used data gathered on the portal to create a new analysis on disparities that ranked Chicago neighborhoods by Internet connectivity. The results – with neighborhood rankings included at the end of this release – emphasize the need for continued, targeted intervention to improve ...
In Proceedings of the Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science 1(1), 1- 24. Available at https://letterpress.uchicago.edu/index.php/jdhcs/article/view/5/60. Last accessed 30 July 2009. ATHENIKOS, S.J., AND LIN, X. 2009b. WikiPhiloSofia: extraction and ...
July 7, 2022 — The West Big Data Innovation Hub (West Hub) is an inclusive community for catalyzing and scaling data science for societal needs—needs such as knowledge of climate patterns for the purposes of resource management. For example, groundwater and surface water development and protect...
“There was very little data on its association with cardiovascular risks,” said Elizabeth Tung, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine at UChicago and the lead author on the study. “We set out to fill that gap in understanding.” Tung pointed out that these numbers reflect the high rates of...
“With this scope, we set out to evaluate whether immunomodulation by lenalidomide in combination with cediranib would improve disease-free survival over cediranib alone,” said Rosenberg, Assistant Professor in the Section of Hematology and Oncology at the UChicago Medicine Comprehensive Cancer Center....
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