传送门(Portal)这款游戏作为2011的年度大作,相信很多玩家都是接触过的,好玩归好玩,但这与我们的Minecraft有什么关系呢?事实上,今天小编在网上冲浪时看到了一款国外大神开发出的MC传送门mod,让玩家在沙盒世界中自由的使用传送门中特有的道具进行冒险,简直不要太开心。 传送门游戏主打的就是利用自己的头脑与固定的场景...
re8_dimension.json{ "replace": false, "values": [ # 什么方块可以搭传送门(命名格式为你的modid:方块名称,原版为minecraft:方块名称) "re8joymod:dhands_block" ] } blocks中新建portal包 -> 包中新建一个以我们的维度名称命名的类re8_dimension:re8_dimension.json{...
Mod Portal Gun 2 adds to the gameplay Minecraft Pocket Edition a lot of new guns to teleport through space. With these guns you can create two different portal for different parts of the world and navigate between these open portals without any hurdles and efforts. ...
PortalCraft MOD对于MCPE只能BlockLauncher应用程序时应用,你需要在你的智能手机或平板电脑上安装的完整版本MCPE和BlockLauncher的。这是对的Minecraft袖珍版的非官方应用程序。此应用程序不与Mojang提供AB没有任何关联。在我的世界名,在我的世界品牌和资产的Minecraft是Mojang提供AB或他们的尊重业主的所有财产。版权所有。
作为流行的第一人称解谜平台游戏门户网站发现MOD门户网站2 MCPE(以前门户枪)增加了许多功能。该游戏元素包括像PortalGuns特点的地方门户网站,一个GravityGun可同时用于块和小怪和许多其他漂亮的工具。请参阅安装手册中的安装指南。免责声明:这是我的世界袖珍版的非官方应用程序。此应用程序不与Mojang提供AB没有任何关联...
Portal Gun mod for Fabric using Immersive Portals. This is a mod using the Immersive Portals mod for the Portal part of it. It adds the Aperture Science Handheld Dual-Portal Device. Does not need Immersive Portals installed for it to work, Immersive Portals is included. Crafting Recipes: Body...
1.19.2 Mod LoadersView all Forge Report To be able to create an End Portal you still have to enter the End and kill the Ender Dragon in the normal way, once you reach an End City you can find the Purpur Eye as a chest loot with a rare weight. This will be the igniter for the ...
Portal Cubed is a Minecraft mod for Quilt that adds mechanics from Valve's Portal series. Implemented Features Various building blocks from areas across the series. Build chambers themed around Portal 1, Portal 2, Old Aperture, and more! Physics props, including cubes, personality cores, radios,...
制作过 Portal Story: Mel 的视频和用 Minecraft 还原 Portal 2 的结尾。他之前制作过一款 Minecraft Mod:MinecraftTag:Reborn(地址:https://www.mcmod.cn/class/4004.html),可以让您拥有 Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative 中的凝胶枪和凝胶。 ioSwagger 猫猫! 主页:https://space.bilibili.com...
How do you know where the where script mod for Minecraft Pocket Edition? All very simplemodsto the game have a resolution .mod andaddonspermission .js. Here is an example of the name of the mod which you can download at our website: Fly in Surveal Mod.mod. Here is an example of ...