Portal: With Ellen McLain, Mike Patton, Alesia Glidewell, Jeep Barnett. A test subject wakes up in a scientific facility controlled by a sadistic artificial intelligence and must escape with the help of the only instrument she has--a gun that makes porta
other objects using the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device (the "portal gun") a unit that can create an inter-spatial portal between flat planes. The goal of each puzzle is to reach an exit point. The "portal gun" and the unusual physics it creates are the emphasis of this game. ...
A continually-seen example is on the Portal gun: its plastics react differently, and the cylinder is upgraded with ray-traced glass, with accurate fresnel properties, showing accurate real-time reflections that bend and distort across the glass as you attempt to escape from the test facility....
A continually-seen example is on the Portal gun: its plastics react differently, and the cylinder is upgraded with ray-traced glass, with accurate fresnel properties, showing accurate real-time reflections that bend and distort across the glass as you attempt to escape from the test facility....
One of the absolute best games ever made. An extremely well written story that is extremely funny while also having real stakes. The story is simple but also complex. The game upgrades off of the original games mechanics by adding new items to be used in puzzles that change momentum, altitu...
[sic] kelvin", Chell escapes with the use of the portal gun and makes her way through the maintenance areas within the Enrichment Center. Throughout this section, GLaDOS still sends messages to Chell and it becomes clear that she has become corrupt and may have killed everyone else in the ...
Rock, Paper, Shotgun 关于这款游戏 Confinement is a project made of 2 components: a Portal mod and a book. Though at a glance they may appear unrelated, if one were to fully play and read everything, would find them to be perfectly intertwined in both theme and message. ...
by the end of 2016. The new game, just like its two prequels (Portal and Portal 2) is comprised of many different puzzles, that the players have to solve by teleporting their characters, as well as by using the ‘Dual Portal Gun’, a special device that creates blue and orange ...
A multiplayer mod that replaces one of the players portal gun with an actual gun or gravity gun.. that would be awesome. Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes manuelcalavera49 - Sep 5 2015 - 2 comments Or a single player mod where you get teleported into aperture along with a man in...
It took a while for me to grasp the idea and mechanics of the portals, but once I did, PSSSH—the game threw me for a loop. I had a feeling I’d acquire the orange gun at some point. But y’know, I like to consider myself a video game master and all that so I mastered the...