门式炮1(Portal Gun 1) 资源编号 : 101954282 格式: stp 文件体积 : 5m James_Walker 浏览压缩包 ZIP 5m 收藏 评论 详情页 投诉 分享 云检查 stp截图 云检查 详情 SolidWorks工具内截图 带边线上色模式 云检查 收起 方式: SolidWorks工具打开stp文件内部截图 环境: SolidWorks 2023, ...
Portal Gun Mod (1.21.1 - 1.20.5) is a tool for teleport from one to another place. Four different guns which allow to create spots and travel through.
Filename Gold_Scrap_Portal_gun_V1.rar Category Weapon Model Licence Proprietary Uploader SotosGamer633 Added Jul 24th, 2019 Size 7.52mb (7,889,922 bytes) Downloads 49 (1 today) MD5 Hash 361dd1eb4ee0a615d3a86b1815961642 Embed Button Embed Widget 7.52mbDownload Now Description...
自制低配纸板port..自制低配纸板portal gun我很早以前的想法就是,能量液体要拿果冻来做投影部分。。。拆了一个手指投影灯,自己划的热缩片,可惜没有绿色灯泡没有人呀
武器PortalGun属性分析 这种武器创建两个传送门(在正上方,传送门一个比另一个高)然后Companion Cube在传送门之间不停的掉落,两个传送门增加它的速度。一段时间后,两个传送门小时和加速过后的Companion Cube猛击地面,造成伤害。与第一级非常相似,它为一个立方体发送了两个门来传送,两个传送门之间的差距要...
模型版portal ..应吧主要求特放出次测评盒子挺大,光圈科技的logo十分醒目...仔细一看,似乎是portal 2 coop模式里面P-body用的枪...右上角是valve公司的标记,看来还是正版授权盒子的另外一侧
Portal Gun Mod 1.12.2/1.10.2 is a mod that includes many elements from Valve Corporation’s games Portal and Portal 2 such as a portal gun, weighted cubes, beams, turrets, and much more. The mod does not, however, include chambers from Portal. This mod adds a few different items most...