Speicherkarte SIMATIC Memory Card (optional) SIMATIC Memory Card (optional) SIMATIC Memory Card (optional) Digitale Standard-Ein-/Ausgänge, integriert 8/6 14/10 14/10 Analoge Standard-Eingänge, integriert 2 2 2 Analoge Standard-Ausgänge, integriert - - 2 Prozessabbild 1024 byte...
Speicherkarte SIMATIC Memory Card (optional) SIMATIC Memory Card (optional) SIMATIC Memory Card (optional) Digitale Standard-Ein-/Ausgänge, integriert 8/6 14/10 14/10 Analoge Standard-Eingänge, integriert 2 2 2 Analoge Standard-Ausgänge, integriert - - 2 Prozessabbild 1024 byte...
从Portal 2到eCoPR的进度是千差万别的。目前最快的有上传照片后当天收到eCoPR的申请人,但也有遇到已经等到超过90天的情况。 4. PR Card 虽然申请人成为了加拿大的PR,但并不意味着可以随意入境加拿大。通过eCoPR上的水印,可以清楚的看到Not Valid For Travel的字样。申请人还需要等待枫叶卡的签发。 枫叶卡处理...
sunPortalGatewayEnableObfuscation=Enable Masking sunPortalGatewayObfuscationSecretKey=Seed String for Masking sunPortalGatewayNotToObscureURIList=URIs not to Mask sunPortalGatewayUseConsistentProtocolForGateway=Make Gateway protocol Same as Original URI Protocol sunPortalGatewayEnableCookieManager=Store External Ser...
Directory for storing job data specified for Donau Portal Client. Yes String - This directory is the JOB_DATA_REPO_PATH value specified in the client_setting.ini file combined with /$USER. allows User group that can access the directory. Yes String * The wildcard (*) can be co...
Directory for storing job data specified for Donau Portal Client. Yes String - This directory is the JOB_DATA_REPO_PATH value specified in the client_setting.ini file combined with /$USER. allows User group that can access the directory. Yes String * The wildcard (*) can be co...
Renewing PR Card desi-friend: DL is not a must, not sure about OHIP card. Your PP and old PR card should be enough along with document 5292. abaysharma: Thank you very much for the prompt reply, i don't drive so should i get the DL since i don't have one, or are there any ...
sunPortalGatewayObfuscationSecretKey=Seed String for Masking sunPortalGatewayNotToObscureURIList=URIs not to Mask sunPortalGatewayUseConsistentProtocolForGateway=Make Gateway protocol Same as Original URI Protocol sunPortalGatewayEnableCookieManager=Store External Server Cookies ...
This article describes the display options available for the Campus Student and Campus Parent Portals, which determine which tools are available to parents and students.
For Portal with RTX, RTX Remix could not modify meshes of skinned characters, and as a result we had to add polygonal detail to the meshes via classic Source mods. We hit the limit of what source modding could do pretty quickly, and when the modders attempted the same process in Portal:...