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It is worth noting that rigid joints can be formed through swages that are interlocked under the action of bending moments. The material cost of frame members was minimized per square meter on the floor of building. Also, influence of pitch of the roof and the frame spacing was investigated...
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术在数 字化校 园建设领域得到 了广泛应 用, 统一 身份认证和 应用 系统集成是其 中的核心技术 , 单点登 录是 实现统一身份认证 的途径 , 出一种利用 Co i令牌和访 问控 制程序来 实现 跨域访 问控 制 的单点登 录方案 ,提oke 并使 用 L P用户数据库来完成统一的用户的登 录、 DA 认证和权限...
Although the MasR is recognized to be the functional receptor for Ang-(1–7) [19], Santos AanltdhocuolglheatghueeMs iansR20i0s3rescuogggneiszteeddttohbaet ctheretafuinncetfifoenctasl orefcAepntgo-r(1fo–r7)Amnga-y(1n–o7t)b[1e9m], eS-an- Adinatthogtesr-od(a1un–tghd7hr)...