340 oral Portal dosimetry with a fluoroscopic EPID: a general approach based on direct imaging of position dependent crosstalk kernelsELSEVIERRadiotherapy & Oncology
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尊师重教是中华民族的传统美德,也是更好地激励教师修身养德、为人师表,做孩子健康成长的指导者和引路人的教育契机。 感 怀 师 恩 HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY 致亲爱的家长们 家长朋友们用支持、微笑和最积极的家园合作来表达对老师的尊重、理解和认同,表达对教师的节日...
Flash BIOS User Guide Contents Purpose ... 2 Introduction ... 2 Supported Operating System...
doi:10.1007/s00464-022-09860-0E. KauffmannN. NapoliM. GinesiniC. GianfaldoniFabio AstaAlice SalamoneAllegra RipolliArmando Di DatoF. VistoliG. AmoreseSurgical Endoscopy
Masyuk TV, Ritman EL, LaRusso NF (2003) Hepatic artery and portal vein remodeling in rat liver: vascular response to selective cholangiocyte proliferation. Am J Pathol 162: 1175-1182.T. V. Masyuk,E. L. Ritman,N. F. LaRusso.Hepatic Artery and Portal Vein Remodeling in Rat Liver: ...
, an advanced information portal from Northern Light Technology, Inc., as of February, 2001. How SinglePoint! offers content integration across a broad range of material and a set of tools and methods for integrating and searching content; Mention of the portal's ability to search a company'...
On the other hand, the endocrine tissue gets hypertrophied, being less prone to fibrosis.doi:10.1007/BF00842731E I Gal'perinT G DiuzhevaZ P MilovanovaN F KuzovlevE P GitelKluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum PublishersBulletin of Experimental Biology & Medicine...
The article reports on the acquisition of mobile Internet portal and interactive application solution provider Minick Holding by Swisscom's mobile unit. Swisscom hopes that the acquisition will lead to a greater diversity of interactive content for its 4.5 million mobile subscriber base in Switzerland....