Don’t overthink it. Make a call and run with it. Learn to adjudicate things on the fly and do not ever overanalyze what you’re doing. In the end, as we used to say, the play is the thing. If the game is moving forward and everyone’s having fun, you’re getting it right. ...
There's moral dilemmas, like I was on the server, and I found a diamond sword. Do I give it back? Do I keep it? Do I bury the evidence? And then also, yesterday, I went upstairs, whenever I was done with work and my kid was done with school, and she was playing Minecraft. ...
Online services, information services, internet services, and computer information services Coming (tm) (tm) (tm) (tm) (tm) ( tm) (tm) ( tm) (tm), dat...
My buddy can get really into utilizing complex mechanics for the fun/silly, but his daughter is likely to just move and blast As for home brewing, I’m not great at developing a game world that comes out at the table, so I do less of that these days, and let basic settings handle ...