From your original question, my understanding of your issue is that you want to be able to click on something in the published ports list (which you circled) and have that come up with an IP address ofotherthan and, for preference, the IP address of the host being monitored by...
1.在浏览器输入服务器的 公网IP:端口 即可打开 WordPress 安装界面; 2.在填写数据库信息时,需注意数据库主机地址填写的是你的服务器 公网IP:端口; 此处IP 指的是服务器 IP,并不是容器列表所显示的 IP 地址; 端口号可在容器列表的 Published Ports 一栏找到。 3.数据库验证通过后,系统提示正式“进行安装” 4...
Resolved an issue in the Docker Container List where searching by published ports was no longer working. portainer/portainer#6656 Resolved an issue where '.' was not allowed in the image name (but should be) when building a Docker image via the UI. portainer/portainer#8047 Resolved some minor...
Portainer 的基础设置 修改localhost地址 选择Endpoints,点击 local 进行设置。 Public IP 中填入本地管理 IP,以后再 Portainer 的 Container 界面中,找到响应的容器,点击相应的 Published Ports 就可以访问相应的容器了。 汉化or 翻译 由于官方目前没有维护多语言版本的计划,Portainer 能找到的民间大神汉化的版本目前只有...
Ports: PublishedPort = 9000 Protocol = tcp TargetPort = 9000 PublishMode = ingress 现在已启动了服务,你可以使用集群中任意节点的 IP 上的9000端口来访问Portainer,或者运行如下命令: 1 $ open http://$(docker-machine ip swarm-manager):9000 页面打开时,你会再次被要求为admin用户设置密码,设置完成后就...
Portainer 是 Docker swarm 的管理界面,执行的都是 swarm 相关的指令。而swarm 一个重要的内容就是网络相关的信息, 点击上面的“Network &published ports” ,我们就能清楚的了解该服务的网络相关的信息。 上图中有一个 ID:wjk6z74o29py3gxrot00bpw7n,这是怎么产生的呢?我们看一下 swarm 的网络,在里面可以看...
Resolved an issue in the Docker Container List where searching by published ports was no longer working.portainer/portainer#6656 Resolved an issue where '.' was not allowed in the image name (but should be) when building a Docker image via the UI.portainer/portainer#8047 ...
- Added the ability to filter the Swarm services published ports column: - Added a warning when the same Swarm secret is assigned multiple times to a service: ...
ports:-target:9001published:9001protocol:tcp mode:host networks:-portainer_agent deploy:mode:global placement:constraints:[node.platform.os==linux]networks:portainer_agent:driver:overlay attachable:true 创建endpoint [图片上传失败...(image-218704-1548405518773)] ...
ID NAME IMAGE NODE DESIRED STATE CURRENT STATE ERROR PORTS n5smvf1mfs1y portainer_agent.21hha3mf1sao77g07tpxr12lp portainer/agent:latest Running Running 9 minutes ago:9001->9001/tcp p5h3caz91b1i portainer_agent.i3i9p03c6zo7guhhf31ng0zkd portainer/agent:latest Run...