存储库:默认是官方镜像,如果要使用汉化版,可以直接替换为6053537/portainer-ce:latest,后续更新可能存在问题,不过不更新问题不大 网络类型:默认bridge,可选host、自建网络 Web Interface Port:容器端口,默认9000,按需配置 Edge Agent Port:分布式的集群管理用端口,一般默认即可 Config Storage Path:容器路径,映射容器中的...
需要根据docker logs portainer_edge_agent 获取到的错误信息排查, 官方github issue是个好去处 另外发现2019年10月19日16:55:01 pull 下来的portainer/agent:latest 也运行不起来 改为 portainer/agent:1.5.1正常 Stacks粘贴docker-compose.yml进来后一直报version版本不对 目前只支持version 2 改为2即可 4. 参考 ...
在安装配置方面,Portainer做的还是非常到位的,直接就在web 页面上提供了Agent类型选择与安装说明。 当然由于我们很可能是在受限的环境运行Docker,比如群晖 NAS,这样一来使用compose.yaml来安装Agent就更合适了: version: "3" services: server: image: portainer/agent:2.19.3 container_name: portainer-agent network_...
portainer-agent处于运行状态后,在页面点击connect按钮 [root@k8s-ha-master01 ~]# kubectl -n portainer get all NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/portainer-agent-548d57f7b5-xc98s 1/1 Running 0 4h27m NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/portainer-agent NodePort ...
Resolved an issue around excessive GitHub API Portainer version checking on page loads.portainer/portainer#11795 Resolved an issue where loading a large number of volumes took an unreasonable amount of timeportainer/portainer#11829 Resolved an issue in the agent where removing an undeployed stack result...
只有10月25号之后升级了agent版本或新创建的集群才能使用该功能。 基于docker compose的定时任务描述 跟离线任务一样,定时任务也是基于docker compose的,只需要在应用模板里添加aliyun.schedule标签,如下面例子所示。 version: "2" labels: aliyun.project_type: "batch" ...
Resolved CVEs for Portainer agent Resolved CVEs for Portainer CE and BE Edge Fixed issue where admin users were unable to update a Git-based edge stack created by another user. Fixed issue where the "Retry deployment" toggle did not persist when editing an edge stack. ...
## Agent dependencies: - [CVE-2022-27664](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-27664) - net/http in Go # Overview of changes New Portainer CE 2.17.0 release ## Edge: - Introduced new homepage view with edge devices at same level as other supported environments: https://github....
I run a Docker Swarm of 7 nodes. 3 are managers. I have been using a portainer and portainer-agent deployment successfully up until version 1.20. The Swarm is set up to use an Apache as a front door (using virtual hosting) to the service...
docker swarm portainer 配置agent 目录 1、什么是Docker Swarm 2、Docker Swarm 基本结构图 3、swarm的几个关键概念 4、Dcoker Swarm 集群部署 4.1、准备工作 4.2、创建Swarm并添加节点 4.2.1、创建Swarm集群 4.2.2、查看集群相关信息 4.2.3、添加节点主机到Swarm集群...