您需要创建一个卷,然后使用/var/lib/docker/volumes/myVolume/_data访问该卷 如果您在Windows上使用wsl...
persistentVolumeClaim: ##注销了这两行对pvc的调用 # claimName: portainer hostPath: #增加了以下的3行,使用hostpath存储数据 path: /data type: DirectoryOrCreate containers: - name: portainer image: "portainer/portainer-ce:2.19.4" imagePullPolicy: Always args: - '--tunnel-port=30776' volumeMounts...
CNI是指容器网络接口(Container Network Interface),是由CNCF(Cloud NativeComputing Foundation)维护的项目,其由一系列的用于编写配置容器网络插件的规范和库接口(libcni)组成,支持众多插件项目
To start/stop the newly created container, just select it and hit Start/stop button on the top. You can restart, pause, and remove any Containers from this section. Manage Containers We can do all container management operations, such as add new container and start, stop, restart, pause, ...
docker volume create portainer_data docker run -d -p9000:9000--name portainer --restart always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v portainer_data:/data -v /root/public:/publicportainer/portainer:latest CE同上类似,镜像是 portainer/portainer-ce:latest ...
Fixed an issue that omitted copying the IP address in container port mapping when provided during the Edit/Duplicate operation for an existing container. Fixed an issue with images that included files failing to build. Fixed a resource leak that prevented the backup process from finishing under ...
I'm using portainer. I navigate to containers, then plex. I press the "duplicate/edit" button, and change the name to "plex2", then press deploy the container, I get a red pop up that states "Failure, Object not found inside the database". I have tried to duplicate a few other ...
volumes: # 声明可挂载的volume - name: dataVol emptyDir: {} containers: - name: tomcat_demo image: tomcat ports: - containerPort: 8080 volumeMounts: # 将volume通过name挂载到容器内的/mydata-data目录 - mountPath: /mydata-data name: dataVol ...
-v portainer_data:/data: With this option we are mapping the named volume we created earlier called “portainer_data” to the path “/data” within the container. portainer/portainer-ce:latest: With this final line we tell Docker the image we want to use to launch Portainer on our Pi. ...
* Added the ability to use existing volumes when creating an application: https://github.com/portainer/portainer/issues/4001 * Added the ability to download application/stack logs: https://github.com/portainer/portainer/issues/3998 * Added support for multi-container pod applications: https://gith...