A new version of Password Safe Portable has been released. Password Safe Portable is a password manager that lets you carry your logins and passwords to websites and more with you in a secure, encrypted file. It's packaged in PortableApps.com Format so it can easily integrate with the Port...
當你開始使用 Password Safe 時,要先決定一個起始密碼。此密碼用來辨識你的身份,決定你是否可以使用 KeePass Password Safe 軟件,因此千萬不要忘了。啟動後你就可以開始儲存密碼,在 Password Safe 軟件中已經有一些預設的密碼分類,你可以自己再根據需要建立自己喜歡的密碼儲存分類。 KeePass的出現,讓你再也不用為了你...
I upgraded to version 1.40 using the automatic update feature of PortableApps. I don't use it every day, so it was a couple of days before I discovered this trouble. When I open Password Safe Portable, it used to show me the last safe it opened, and I ju
Password Safe (Portable 64-bit) stores usernames and passwords for all your websites and programs without you having to remember them all. The program creates a secure and encrypted list and you''ll need only one "master password" to unlock it. In Password Safe you can also choose to ...
PASSWORD MANAGERS: KeePass (v1.29) Password Safe (Twofish) (v3.33) nPassword (v1.0.2.44) FILE RECOVERY: Recuva (v1.52) DataRecovery (v2.4.7) PhotoRec (v6.14) Roadkil's Unstoppable Copier (v5.2) Undelete Plus (v2.98) Encopy (v4.72) ...
1. KeePass Password Safe:KeePass是一款强大的密码管理器,它允许用户集中存储各种账户的用户名和密码,通过主密码保护整个数据库。使用KeePass,用户只需记住一个主密码,就能访问所有保存的密码信息。 2. PuTTYPortable:PuTTYPortable是PuTTY的便携版,它是一个免费的SSH和Telnet客户端,用于远程登录和控制服务器。与普通PuT...
KeePass Password Safe Portable1.30 版本:1.30 软件授权:免费软件 软件大小:2.13M 软件语言:英文 应用平台:Winxp/vista/win7/2000/2003 更新时间:2016-01-11 安全无毒无插件 基本简介 KeePass Password Safe Portable一个便携式的应用程序,您可以将它存入您的USB闪存驱动器,iPod的便携式硬盘驱动器或CD,并在任何电脑...
LastPass Password Manager - The last password you'll ever have to remember. This easy to use password manager will make your browsing a lot easier and much more secure without having to remember multiple passwords. KeePass Password Safe 2.57.1 Professional / 1.42 Classic Edition [ 2024-10-08...
Whatever the reason, portable apps can also come in handy in many other situations. Check our list of the best portable apps for every device and browser. But first, let’s address the big question. Are portable apps safe? Like any software, portable apps can spread viruses to your compute...
Why Use Portable Privacy Apps? With so many threats circulating the internet, keeping yourself safe is more important than ever. But what if you're using another PC, away from all the admin privileges and security suites that your home computer has?