dynamic port不能启用Port Security,只有静态接入端口或中继端口才行。要将模式切换为access。 cisco网站上的: Cat3750(config-if)#switchport port-security Command rejected: FastEthernet1/0/2 is a dynamic port. !--- Port security can only be configured on static access ports or trunk ports. Cat3750...
思科交换机端口安全(Port-Security) Cisco Catalyst交换机端口安全(Port-Security) 1、 Cisco29系列交换机可以做基于2层的端口安全,即mac地址与端口进行绑定。 2、 Cisco3550以上交换机均可做基于2层和3层的端口安全,即mac地址与端口绑定以及mac地址与ip地 址绑定。 3、以cisco3550交换机为例 做mac地址与端口绑定...
思科交换机端口安全(Port-Security)思科交换机端口安全(Port-Security) Cisco Catalyst交换机端口安全(Port-Security) 1、 Cisco29系列交换机可以做基于2层的端口安全,即mac地址与端口进行绑定。 2、 Cisco3550以上交换机均可做基于2层和3层的端口安全,即mac地址与端口绑定以及mac地址与ip地址绑定。 3、以cisco...
switch0(config-if)#switchport port-security mac-address 00D1.5935.06D3switch0(config-if)# Later on, I had to disable port-security and remove (I thought successfully removed) the mac address with: switch0(config-if)#no switchport port-securityswitch0(config-if)#no switchport port-security ...
switchport port-security aging time 2 switchport port-security violation restrict switchport port-security aging type inactivity end SWA#sh port-security int f0/1 address Secure Mac Address Table --- Vlan Mac Address Type Ports Remaining Age (mins) --- --- --- --- --- 1 d4c9.efd6.135d...
Cisco IOS Security Command Reference: Commands S to Z Chapter Title show vlan group through switchport port-security violation PDF - Complete Book (10.35 MB) PDF - This Chapter (2.04 MB) View with Adobe Reader on a variety of devices Print ResultsUpdated: August 28, 2024 Chapter: sho...
14. port security max 1 15. port security mode max-addresses 16. port security discard trap 60 17. # 18. smartport storm-control broadcast level 10 19. smartport storm-control include-multicast 20. smartport storm-control broadcast enable ...
2. Port Security Switch>en Switch#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Switch(config)#interface fastethernet0/1 Switch(config-if)#switchport mode access Switch(config-if)#switchport port-security Switch(config-if)#switchport port-security maximum 1 ...
One thing here, if you are using DUN client, use DUN ver 1.3 of Microsoft. Earlier version had some problem. For your quick reference, here is the link for port security commands : http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/lan/c2900xl/29_35wc5/cli/clicmds.htm#xtocid58 ...
With the console port, administrators can access the terminal lines of the Cisco devices’ IOS. However, this can be a potential threat in our networks because anyone can access the device freely, or a user can access the device by using the same password locally stored on the device. There...