I have been using arduino UNO loaded with GRBL 0.9i firmware and UGS. Everything was working fine. Recently I faced a problem in a laptop running windows 8.1 The serial port connection used to get disconnected frequently. I was facing this problem the whole day. ...
Re: ESP32-C3 supermini serial port problem Quote by lbernstone » Tue Apr 16, 2024 4:48 am What version of arduino-esp32 are you running (you can see this in the board manager)? There were some issues with earlier versions of esptool on the C3, but if you are running 2.0....
通常在 mBlock / Arduino IDE 見到的錯誤訊息有以下幾種: 1 2 3 avrdude: ser_open(): can't open device "COM1" : No such file or directory. avrdude: ser_open(): can't open device "\\.\COM3": Access is denied. avrdude: ser_open(): can't open device "\\.\COM3": The semaph...
I found the solution and I share it in order to help people with the same problem. C# does not activate as default the RTS and the DTR serial port. Thus, adding mySerialPort.DtrEnable = true; mySerialPort.RtsEnable = true; after the serial port declaration, everything works fine. Sh...
Secondly, after the port appears in Windows Device Manager, the same port must appear in the Arduino IDE. I’ve seen a similar problem appear because different ports appear in those two locations. Thirdly, after installing the device, you must reboot. And reboot whenever the port appears to ...
My problem is that arduino seems not able to read from serial port as it never performs the if condition. My guess is that there is some kind of deadlock between the two (that's why I put ardu.close() in the function foo) This is my arduino code: char serial; #define RELAY1 7 ...
Board Arduino UNO R3 OS Arch Linux kernel: 6.2.8-arch1-1 Sketch void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println("Hello World!"); // pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); } void loop() { Serial.println("Hello From loop()!"); delay(1000); } Error In ...
Now I have to initializate the serial communication with arduino, so that I create the serialObject with the command serialport. Before to create the SerialObject, I check the serial port available with the command serialportlist("available") and from the command the serial port C...
Hello, I had the same problem and just resolved this issue using your solution. Thank you for Sharing. Sign in to comment. Amaresh A.R on 20 May 2016 Vote 0 Link Hello everyone.. when i am trying to connect arduino which is connected on COM2 i get the below error...
I am using the Arduino Uno in this example but the ESP32 ought to be identical. If you can't get this far we need to resolve that problem first. Describe which macOS version you are using because if it's earlier than Mojave or Big Sur (Intel and M series respectively) we have to...