ShippingparticularsincludingmarksandportofentrymustbeadvisedtotheSellersbefore20th July,1982. 包括唆头和入口港等付运细节必须在一九八二年七月二十日之前告知卖方。 10. USCISofficer:Whatwasyourportofentry? 移民局官员:什么是您的入关口岸?。
which will tell exactly which port of entry you used to enter the USA. It is also part of theU.S. Customs process when leaving the country, so it is essential that you take a close look at the code, and learn of its
Sample of US Port of Entry Stamp by CBP Officer – H1B Visa Below is sample for H1B Visa, it has the end date of the approval notice from USCIS. The CBP officer has written the class as H1B on the stamp and end date as Mar-19-2010. You can see that it is over 3 years, which...