z/OS Explorer supports Port Of Entry (POE) checking, which allows host access only to trusted TCP/IP addresses. This feature is disabled by default and requires the definition of the BPX.POE security profile, as shown in the following sample RACF® commands: RDEFINE FACILITY BPX.POE U...
You can use the APPCPORT general resource class to protect the port of entry (POE). There are two possible formats for the resource name in the APPCPORT class: If the APPC LU definition has enabled network-qualified names support (by specifying the NQN option on the LUADD statement), ...
Although the above --bind-listen parameter can specify the outgoing IP, the entry IP and the outgoing IP cannot be referenced artificially. If you want the ingress IP and the egress IP to be different, you can use the --bind-ip parameter, format: IP:port, for example:, ...
Grouping of definition stages involving specifying a port number.Applies to Azure SDK for Java Latest在GitHub 上與我們協作 可以在 GitHub 上找到此内容的源,还可以在其中创建和查看问题和拉取请求。 有关详细信息,请参阅参与者指南。 Azure SDK for Java 意見反映 Azure SDK for Java 是開放源項目。
the next stage of the updatewithoutFrontendPort public abstract ApplicationGateway.Update withoutFrontendPort(String name) Removes the specified frontend port. Note that removing a frontend port referenced by other settings may break the application gateway. Parameters: n...
This table is used to query management addresses of LLDP neighbors of a specified AP. No entry can be created, modified, or deleted in this table. The indexes of this table are hwWlanApWiredPortLldpRemManAddrSubtype, hwWlanApMac, hwWlanApWiredPortLldpRemLocalPortNum, hwWlanApWiredPortLldp...
In such a scenario, the following ACL programming will be present on each member of the PC: fc1/1(through fc1/8) (port-channel) Entry# Source ID Mask Destination ID Mask Action 1 010001 ffffff 010002(target1) ffffff Permit 2 010001 ...
Although the above --bind-listen parameter can specify the outgoing IP, the entry IP and the outgoing IP cannot be referenced artificially. If you want the ingress IP to be different from the egress IP, you can use the --bind-ip parameter, format: IP:port, for example: ...
the other vPC peer originates Spanning Tree BPDUs with a Bridge ID containing its system MAC address, which is different from the original root bridge system MAC address. Depending on how downstream bridges are connected, the impact of this change varies and is described in these...
OwaspCrsExclusionEntrySelectorMatchOperator P2SConnectionConfigurationInner P2SVpnConnectionHealthInner P2SVpnConnectionHealthRequest P2SVpnGatewayInner P2SVpnProfileParameters PacketCaptureFilter PacketCaptureInner PacketCaptureParameters PacketCaptureQueryStatusResultInner PacketCaptureResultInner PacketCaptureSt...