<port_number>:<port_number> 值表示以冒号分隔的起始和结束端口号。 不要在冒号周围使用空格。 起始端口号必须小于结束端口号。 -l <filename.txt>生成日志文件 <filename.txt>值表示日志文件的名称和扩展名。 此值不能包含空格。 命令运行时,PortQry 会在安装它的目录中创建日志文件。
<port_number>:<port_number> 值表示以冒号分隔的起始和结束端口号。 不要在冒号周围使用空格。 起始端口号必须小于结束端口号。 -l <filename.txt>生成日志文件 <filename.txt>值表示日志文件的名称和扩展名。 此值不能包含空格。 命令运行时,PortQry 会在安装它的目录中创建日志文件。
The Ports and protocols section includes a table that summarizes the information from the System services ports section. The table is sorted by the port number instead of by the service name. Use this section to quickly determine which services listen on a particular port.This...
The <protocol> value represents the type of port to query (possible values aretcp,udp, orboth). The default value istcp. -e <port_number>Specify the target port (also known as "endpoint") The <port_number> value represents the port to query on the destination computer. ...
undo ip udp-helper port disable{port-number|dns|netbios-ds|netbios-ns|tacacs|tftp|time} 参数说明 参数 参数说明 取值 port-number 指定中继转发的UDP端口号 整数形式,仅支持37、49、53、69、137、138。 dns 对DNS应用发送的UDP广播报文进行中继转发,对应的UDP端口号为53。
Due to this lack of security, use of tftp can be dangerous over the open Internet. Therefore, TFTP is generally only used on private local area networks for applications where ftp would be too expensive or difficult to implement (e.g. down-loading firmware, software and configuration data to...
tftpUDP 埠 69 例如,以互動模式輸入q dns相當於在一般命令行模式中執行portqry -n -p both -e 135。 互動式模式選項 您可以使用set命令來設定選項,例如來源埠或連結延遲緩慢。 使用下列語法: 主控台 set =<value> 注意 在此命令中,代表要設定的選項名稱,而< value> 代表選項的新值。 選項...
The FTP (Connection dialog, control) has a port number of 21, on the other hand. Here is a look at some of the other common protocols, and their port numbers. Telnet 23 SMTP 25 DNS 53 DHCP BOOTP Server 67 DHCP BOOTP Client 68 TFTP 69 Gopher 70 HTTP 80 POP3 110 NNTP 119 NetBIOS...
The <protocol> value represents the type of port to query (possible values are tcp, udp, or both). The default value is tcp. -e <port_number> Specify the target port (also known as "endpoint") The <port_number> value represents the port to query on the destination computer. The ...
undo ip udp-helper port disable { port-number | dns | netbios-ds | netbios-ns | tacacs | tftp | time } Parameters Parameter Description Value port-number Specifies the UDP ports to which packets are relayed. The value is an integer and can only be one of the following: 37...