设置用于与 SQL Server 通信的端口号。 语法 public void setPortNumber(int portNumber) 参数 portNumber 一个int 值,此值包含端口号。 注解 此端口号是打开与 SQL Server 的套接字连接时使用的 TCP/IP 端口号。 如果未设置 portNumber 属性,getPortNumber方法将返回默认值 1433。
public int getPortNumber() 返回值一个int 值,此值包含当前端口号。注解此端口号是打开与 SQL Server 的套接字连接时使用的 TCP/IP 端口号。 如果未设置 portNumber 属性,getPortNumber 方法将返回默认值 1433。备注 setPortNumber 方法不对传入的端口值进行任何范围检查。 可以传递无效的端口号(如 99999),...
SELECT top 1 SERVERNAME = CONVERT(NVARCHAR(128),SERVERPROPERTY('SERVERNAME')) FROM SYS.DM_EXEC_CONNECTIONS WHERE LOCAL_NET_ADDRESS='xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx' -- ip address of remote machine AND local_tcp_port=xxxx -- port number for sql server instance above query resolved the problem & ser...
the default port number for SQL Server is 1433. Often, DBAs change this for security or other reasons and in this tip we will show how the port number can be changed.
SQL Server – Finding TCP Port Number SQL Instance is Listening on By default SQL Server listens on TCP port number 1433, but for named instances the TCP port is dynamically configured. There are several options avai...
Copy values from one table to another table using LINQ to SQL? Copying a file from client to server Copying file failed and Could not find file while publishing my webproject Correct Regex for something that starts with a number a Correct time diference between UTC and CET Could not find a...
<port_number>:<port_number> 值表示以冒号分隔的起始和结束端口号。 不要在冒号周围使用空格。 起始端口号必须小于结束端口号。 -l <filename.txt> 生成日志文件 <filename.txt>值表示日志文件的名称和扩展名。 此值不能包含空格。 命令运行时,PortQry 会在安装它的目录中创建日志文件。 如果文件已存在,Port...
Use SQL Server Configuration ManagerAssign a TCP/IP port number to the SQL Server Database EngineIn SQL Server Configuration Manager, in the console pane, expand SQL Server Network Configuration, select Protocols for <instance name>, and then in the right pane double-click TCP/IP. Note If ...
SQL Server stops responding when you remove the availability group listener or you change the port number of the availability group listener.
To assign a TCP/IP port number to the SQL Server Database Engine In SQL Server Configuration Manager, in the console pane, expandSQL Server Network Configuration, expandProtocols for <instance name>, and then double-clickTCP/IP. In theTCP/IP Propertiesdialog box, on theIP Addressestab, sever...