port mux-vlan enable命令用来使能接口MUX VLAN功能。 undo port mux-vlan enable命令用来去使能接口MUX VLAN功能。 缺省情况下,接口的MUX VLAN功能未使能。 命令格式 port mux-vlan enablevlan{vlan-id1[tovlan-id2] } &<1-10> undo port mux-vlan enable[vlan{vlan-id1[tovlan-id2] } &<1-10> ] ...
我们首先来熟悉一下MUX VLAN的几个基本概念。 主VLAN (Princial VLAN) 加入Principal VLAN的接口也即Principal Port,它们可以和MUX VLAN内所有的接口进行通信。 从VALN(Subordinate VLAN) 互通型Subordinate VLAN(Group VLAN),另一种是隔离型(Separate VLAN)。每个Group VLAN及Separate VLAN必须与一个Principal VLAN绑定。
[R1-GigabitEthernet0/0/0.20]arp broadcast enable 2.三层交换 断掉第一个路由器相连的接口 g0/0/0 SW2: [SW2]int vlan 2 [SW2-Vlanif2]ip add 24 [SW2-Vlanif2]int vlanif 3 [SW2-Vlanif3]ip add 24 3.vlan聚合 删除后才能做VLAN聚合 (如果想要删vlan 2也要先删vl...
[SW1-GigabitEthernet0/0/24] port default vlan 100 [SW1-GigabitEthernet0/0/24] port mux-vlanenablevlan 100 验证: 查看VLAN配置结果,通过ping命令检测PC5(与PC6(之间的网络连通性。 [SW1]display vlan The total number of vlans is : 5 --- U: Up; D: Down;...
[Switch-vlan2] quit # 配置接口加入VLAN并使能MUX VLAN功能。 [Switch] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1 [Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port link-typeaccess [Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port defaultvlan 2 [Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port mux-vlanenable vlan 2 ...
端口安全功能与MUX VLAN功能相冲突,不能在同一接口下配置port-security enable和port mux-vlan enable命令。不能在同一接口下配置port-security enable和dhcp snooping sticky-mac命令。配置mac-address learning disable后再配置端口安全,端口安全功能不生效。如果先配置端口安全再配置mac-address learning disable,设备将...
1、创建VLAN [sw1]vlan 10 //创建一个VLAN,并进入 VLAN 10 ; [sw1-vlan10]description AAA // 为vlan配置一个名字; 2、配置端口模式 [sw1]interface gi0/0/1 [sw1-gi0/0/1]port link-type access //指定端口为access模式 3、将端口放入指定的 VLAN ...
That is, the port mux-vlan enable and port-security enable commands cannot be used on the same interface. If the sticky MAC function is disabled, the limit on the number of secure dynamic MAC addresses learned by an interface limits the number of secure dynamic MAC addresses learned by t...
VLAN Adding access, trunk, and hybrid interfaces to VLANs Default VLAN QinQ MUX VLAN IP routing IPv4 routing protocols, such as RIP, OSPF, IS-IS, and BGP IPv6 routing protocols, such as RIPng, OSPFv3, IS-ISv6, an...
Port VPN status (enable or not VPN access) PVID Port default VLAN ID Mdi type Cable type Port link-type Port link type Tagged VLAN ID The VLANs with packets tagged Untagged VLAN ID The VLANs with packets untagged Last 300 seconds input: 0 packets/sec 0 bits/sec Last ...