华为交换机用户手册中,端口监听被称为“端口镜像”(Port Mirroring)。 使用Huawei Lanswitch View管理系统添加一个镜像端口: 选择Device Setup或Stack Setup。 点击Port Mirroring。 点击Add按钮。对于堆叠,点击Switch并从列表选择一个交换机。 点击Reflect from并选择流量将被镜像的端口。 点击Reflect to并选上面所选择...
1、在port mirroring对话框中的destination port中选中目的端口(镜像端口),再单击add按钮; 2、在系统将打开“add source port”(添加源端口)页面中,定义“source port”(源端口)和“type”(类型)字段,并单击“apply changes”(应用更改), 使系统接收更改。 (注:如果需要从端口镜像会话删除副本端口,请打开“port ...
Configuration file of the Switch # sysname Switch # observe-port 1 interface GigabitEthernet1/0/4# interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1port-mirroring to observe-port 1 inbound # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2port-mirroring to observe-port 1 inbound # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3p...
The port-mirroring observe-port command configures port mirroring on a port. The undo port-mirroring command disables port mirroring on a port. By default, port mirroring is not configured on a port. Format port-mirroring observe-port observe-port-index { both | inbound | outbound } undo por...
A workstation connected to Cisco Meraki switches can capture these packets through port mirroring. This article will cover how to capture traffic passed by an MS switch, using the following steps:Enable port mirroring on your switch Connect a workstation on your destination port Capturing...
Choose a port mirroring methodYour domain controllers and Defender for Identity standalone sensor can be either physical or virtual. The following are common methods for port mirroring and some considerations. For more information, see your switch or virtualization server product documentation. Your ...
If the virtual host is on the same physical switch, you need to configure a switch level span. If the virtual host is on a different switch, you need to configure RSPAN or ERSPAN*. PhysicalPhysical on the same switchPhysical switch must support SPAN/Port Mirroring. ...
If the virtual host is on the same physical switch, you need to configure a switch level span. If the virtual host is on a different switch, you need to configure RSPAN or ERSPAN*. PhysicalPhysical on the same switchPhysical switch must support SPAN/Port Mirroring. ...
The SPAN feature, which is sometimes called port mirroring or port monitoring, selects network traffic for analysis by a network analyzer. The network analyzer can be a Cisco Switch Probe device or other Remote Monitoring (RMON) probe. Previously, SPAN was a relatively basic feature on the Cisc...
Switch(config-if)#port monitor fastethernet 0/5 Con questo comando, ogni pacchetto ricevuto o trasmesso da queste due porte viene copiato anche sulla porta Fa0/1. Usare una variante del comando port monitor per configurare il monitoraggio dell'interfaccia amministrativa: Switch(config-if)#...