例如,当需要通过防火墙或代理服务器访问外部网站时,可以使用SSH端口转发将请求从本地主机转发到远程服务器,再从远程服务器转发到目标网站。 远程端口转发(Remote Port Forwarding):远程端口转发允许将远程主机的端口转发到本地主机。当需要在本地主机上访问远程主机的服务时,可以使用远程端口转发将请求从本地主机转发到远...
比如说你在本地访问不了某个网络服务(如www.google.com),而有一台机器(如:a.b.c.d)可以,那么你就可以通过这台机器来访问。 2:远程Remote(ssh -NfR) ssh -R <local port>:<remote host>:<remote port> <SSH hostname> 在需要被访问的内网机器上运行: ssh -NfR 1234:localhost:22 a.b.c.d 登录...
1、《SSH/OpenSSH/PortForwarding 》https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/PortForwarding 2、《实战 SSH 端口转发》https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/linux/l-cn-sshforward/ 3、《端口转发》https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ystFF-a0nBSDvINpzf0OZw 4、《应用netcat实现端口转发》https://blog....
/huawei-ssh:tcp-port-forwarding/remote/ssh-server-name Indicates the destination host connected to the SSH client. The value is a character string. The commonly used format is user@xx.xx.xx.xx -p PortNumber, in which the user name of the SSH server, host IP address, and port number ...
/huawei-ssh:tcp-port-forwarding/remote/ssh-server-name Indicates the destination host connected to the SSH client. The value is a character string. The commonly used format is user@xx.xx.xx.xx -p PortNumber, in which the user name of the SSH server, host IP address, and port number ...
这个原理明白了之后,在windows上也可以这样做。windows上我们安装的ssh secure shell client中有个Tunnel的配置,在里面添加outgoing tunnel,就等于配置了一个local port forwarding,配置一个incoming tunnel,就等于配置了一个remote port forwarding,配置完成后,选择登录一个主机,然后针对该主机的port forward就生效了。
本地端口转发(Local Port Forwarding) 假如有这样一个场景: 本地可以通过2426端口 ssh 连接到remote-host。 在remote-host 上的3306端口有一个 MySQL 服务。 受各种因素所限,本地无法连接 remote-host 的 3306 端口,但想要使用 remote-host 上的 MySQL 服务,且不能修改其端口号。
ssh -L localport:host:hostport user@ssh_server -N 1. where:-L- port forwarding parameters (see below)localport- local port (chose a port that is not in use by other service)host- server that has the port (hostport) that you want to forwardhostport- remote port-N- do not execute...
in the device you used to connect to the remote machine, open the URL link that vscode created when you forwarded the port authorize the connection allow the redirect verify that the link displays a blank page. This means that port forwarding does not work with "code tunnel" ...
sshd_config里要打开AllowTcpForwarding选项,否则-R远程端口转发会失败。 默认转发到远程主机上的端口绑定的是127.0.0.1,如要绑定0.0.0.0需要打开sshd_config里的GatewayPorts选项。这个选项如果由于权限没法打开也有办法,可配合ssh -L将端口绑定到0.0.0.0,聪明的你应该能想到办法,呵呵。