方法/步骤 1 在windows主机上安装了TimesTen Client,然后主机上通过VirtualBox虚拟出Linux Guest OS,安装了TimesTen Server。由于虚拟机配置的是NAT网络,缺省情况下,虚拟机对于主机是不可见的,因此也无法作为服务器使用。2 有两种方法可以解决问题:更改网络为Bridged Network设置NAT网络的port forwarding这里讨论第2种...
Port Forwarding/Port Triggering=端口转发/端口触发
The steps above work nicely if you have a VM which is set up to use Bridged or Host-Only adaptersHowever, if you have a NAT'ed VM you cannot connect to the VM IP from the hostYou will need to set up port forwarding for a host port to be forwarded to the VM port 5555 (which ...
virtualbox nat port forwarding adb "device offline" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14993855/android-adb-device-offline-cant-issue-commands?rq=1 [root@localhost tools]# pwd /opt/android-on-linux/android-sdk-linux/tools [root@localhost tools]# [roo...
If you want to access a NAT guest from the host on VirtualBox, you can enable port forwarding for VirtualBox NAT, either from the GUI or from the command line. This tutorial demonstrateshow to SSH a NAT guest from the hostby enabling port forwarding for port 22. If you want to access...
virtualbox nat port forwarding adb "device offline" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14993855/android-adb-device-offline-cant-issue-commands?rq=1 [root@localhost tools]# pwd /opt/android-on-linux/android-sdk-linux/tools...
原因是因为,我是用的VirtualBox虚拟化出了两台 ubuntu 主机搭建的 k8s ,详见virtualbox 虚拟机组网。在组网的过程中,我采用了双网卡方案,网卡1使用NAT地址转换用来访问互联网,网卡2使用Host-only来实现虚拟机互相访问。而 k8s 默认使用了网卡1的 ip 地址,这就导致了工作节点的 ip 地址使用的是网卡1的 NAT 地址...
function vbox_port -d 'Forwards VirtualBox port' set name $argv[1] set port $argv[2] VBoxManage modifyvm drought --natpf1 "$name,tcp,,$port,,$port" end One problem I have is that I create my VM but when I put my laptop through a suspend cycle port forwarding breaks and...
However when using Docker Machine with boot2docker (that uses Virtualbox rather than Hyper-V), port forwarding isn't automatically set up - so users have to do so manually using: VBoxManage modifyvm "VM name" --natpf1 "tcp-port8000,tcp,,8000,,8000"(if the machine is powered...
Step 2、Configure VirtualBox 大家都知道docker-machine和boot2docker本身是不能直接在mac或windows下运行的,它必须依附一个VM,这里的VM就是VirtualBox,如何让我们在本机访问docker里发布的应用,这里就需要打开VirtualBox的port forwarding。 运行以下命令通过ssh去转发OSX/Windows的80端口到boot2docker/docker-machine VM...