2004年,一场阿德雷德港足球俱乐部(Port Adelaide Football Club)和科灵伍德足球俱乐部 (Collingwood Football Club)的季 …baike.baidu.com|基于34个网页 2. 一场阿德雷德港足球会 2004年,一场阿德雷德港足球会(Port Adelaide Football Club)和科灵伍德足球会 (Collingwood Football Club)的季前挑战赛 …zh.wikipedia...
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ADELAIDE, Australia, May 13 (Xinhua) -- With the 2019 Australian Football League (AFL) China game approaching, the CEO of Port Adelaide Football Club Keith Thomas is expressing his hopes that the popular sport in his country can help promote exchanges and understanding between Australia and China...
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Shilbury, D., & Hooper, G. (1999). Great expectations: From Port Adelaide to Port Power - A club in transition. Sport Management Review, 2(1), 83-109. doi:10.1016/S1441- 3523(99)70091-4Shilbury, D., & Hooper, G. (1999). Great Expectations: From Port Adelaide to Port Power -...
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