9443WSO2 Tungsten HTTPS 9444WSO2 ESB Administration Console HTTPS 16993Intel(R) AMT SOAP/HTTPS 20003Commtact HTTPS Why Use an HTTPS Port For website owners, utilizing a secure channel is essential. Here are four main reasons you should switch to an HTTPS port: ...
---service-https-port 9443 rbd_api: args: ---api-addr-ssl= ---ws-addr= 参数解释: operator.env环境变量解释 GATEWAY_HTTP_PORT:定义 Operator 检测网关 HTTP 端口。 GATEWAY_HTTPS_PORT:定义 Operator 检测网关 HTTPS 端口。
(As surveyors for Dolphin Maritime & Aviation Svcs Ltd) The Carenage St George's Grenada Telephone: +1473 440 8809/10 After Hours: +1473 407 5497 Facsimile: +1473 443 0643 Mobile: +1473 407 1459 / 1 473 407 5497 - Mr. Devon La Touche E-Mail: dltjbhship@spiceisle.com E-Mail: ...
Blynk Server SSL 9443 443 TCP 0 7. MariaDB / MySQL 5698 5698 TCP 0 8. MariaDB / MySQL 3306 3306 TCP 0 9. SAMD-WIFI-ESPAT 5990 5990 TCP 35940 10. NRF52-W5X00 5952 5952 TCP 35985 UPnP done HTTP EthernetWebServer ...
Changing service port to any other (say 9443) keeping https does not work either . Here is the yaml for http with port 80 for k8s service https://github.com/sekhrivijay/hello-world-flask/blob/master/hello-both-http-port.yaml hello-both-http-port.yaml.txt ...