The nodes need to be able to reach other nodes over UDP port 8472 when Flannel VXLAN is used. The node should not listen on any other port. K3s uses reverse tunneling such that the nodes make outbound connections to the server and all kubelet traffic runs through that tunnel. However, if...
Outbound TCP on ports 8443 and 9997. This is used for access using the web client. Outbound UDP on ports 3478, 4172, and 4195. This is used for access using the web client. Outbound UDP on ports 50002 and 55002. This is used for streaming. If your firewall uses stateful filtering,...
SelectTCPunder theDoes this rule apply to TCP or UDP?option and type in the port numbers443and8443next to theSpecific local ports, separated by a comma. Once finished, clickNext. Select theAllow the connectionoption and hitNext. Tick all theDomain,Private, andPublicprofiles and clickNext. ...
TCP/UDP 30000-32767 NodePort port rangeLocal Node Traffic Ports marked as local traffic (i.e., 9099 TCP) in the above requirements are used for Kubernetes healthchecks (livenessProbe andreadinessProbe). These healthchecks are executed on the node itself. In most cloud environments, this lo...
The tables in these sections include information about how each port is used in XClarity Administrator, the managed device that is affected, the protocol (TCP or UDP), and the direction of traffic flow. Inbound traffic identifies flows from the managed device or external systems to XClarity ...
The TCP port 8443 is used by Webex App on Cisco Unified CM setup for downloading configuration. Only customers who use the setup to connect to Webex Calling must open the port. Device time synchronization (NTP) Webex Calling devices 51494 UDP Refer to IP Subnets for Webex Calling Services. ...
0 TCP,UDP 保留端口;不使用(若发送过程不准备接受回复消息,则可以作为源端口) 官方 1 TCP,UDP TCPMUX(传输控制协议端口服务多路开关选择器) 官方 5 TCP,UDP RJE(远程作业登录) 官方 7 TCP,UDP Echo(回显)协议 官方 9 UDP 抛弃协议 官方 9 TCP,UDP 网络唤醒 非官方 11 TCP,UDP SYSTAT协议 官方 13 TCP...
69, 6969, then Ephemeral / UDP TFTP service to phones and gateways Endpoint or Gateway Unified Communications Manager 6970 / TCP TFTP between primary and proxy servers. HTTP service from the TFTP server to phones and gateways. Unified Communications...
To block all TCP and UDP port except some port 80,443,8443 by windows defender firewall inbound and outbound rule, you could follow the steps:1. Control panel > System and Security > Windows Firewall > Advanced settings2. Right-click Inbound Rules and click new rule.3. Choose Por...
(S) AGE SELECTOR default kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 8d <none> kube-system kube-dns ClusterIP <none> 53/UDP,53/TCP,9153/TCP 8d k8s-app=kube-dns kubernetes-dashboard dashboard-metrics-scraper ClusterIP <none> 8000/TCP 8m33s k8s-app=dashboard...