当遇到“web server failed to start. port 8089 was already in use.”这一错误时,通常意味着端口8089已经被其他进程占用,导致你的web服务器无法在该端口上启动。为了解决这个问题,你可以按照以下步骤操作: 1. 确认端口8089的使用情况 首先,你需要确认哪个进程正在使用端口8089。这可以通过在命令行中使用特定的命令...
原因一:IDEA退出时,SpringBoot程序没关闭; 原因二:IDEA未安全退出。 解决:找到端口号的PID,并KILL掉。 STEP1:找到端口PID netstat -ano | findstr “端口号” STEP2:KILL进程 taskkill /pid145144-t -f 更好的解决方式: 配置里更改 <plugin> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring...
电子回单程序启动失败,提示:port 8089 is already in use 分析解答: 金蝶电子回单程序要用到8089端口,启动时提示“port 8089 is already in use”,说明端口8089被其它程序占用了,可以这样排查: 1、在电子回单程序服务器上,cmd打开命令提示符窗口,输入命令后按回车键:netstat -ano|findstr 8089 说明:如何查询端口被...
EDIT 8: Downgraded manually to 1.6.3, tried running without custom config – still same error pops up.run: open server: listen: listen tcp bind: address already in use), however, now I can connect to the local :8086 influxdb shell viainflux. Another strange thing, no ...
There are 2 instances of UF running on a windows server, but both are configured to use port 8089 which is causing a conflict on the server (UF). I need to change my Deployment server port to something else and then push that to all 1140 UF servers. I don't have an apps co...
To know why it doesn’t work in HTTPS lets understand the SSL handshake briefly.1. Client - > (SSL Handshake) - > “ Hello, I support XYZ algorithm for encryption”2. Server -> (SSL Handshake) -> “Hi there, Okay so here is my public certificate. Let’s use algorithm X”...
In our env we are running SCG on non standard ports like 9443 or 8089. When the client makes a call the HTTP header Host has the value which includes the non-standard port number like fqdn:9443 Until 4.1.0 scg version the host predicate definition had to include the comma separated list...
If you really cannot use that port, you'll have to modify web.conf file in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local on the Deployment Server and add a [settings] stanza (or update the one that is already there -- if there is one already there) to have mgmtHostPort =
Describe the bug locust: error: argument --master-port: invalid int value: 'tcp://' Expected behavior Locust runs correctly without producing this error. As --master-port wasn't even supplied. Actual behavior When invokin...
Hi I am testing tomee-plume 8.0.2, on netbeans 11.3. netbeans run the server (I could prove from the browser that the server is running), but I can't run my hello world (JSP). Try solving by changing the ports (8181,8989,8089, etc.) in case it was some other application that...