First, we would like to make it clear that both port 80 and 8080 are used for web applications. However port 80 is the primary port which is used by a web client like your web browser. Also when a web developer deploys any web application, they primarily bind the app to the port 80...
. On the policy configuration page displayed, set the public network port mapped with the NAT Server to a port other than port 80 or 8080, and check whether services are normal. If services are normal, the carri...
那是端口 也就是代理服务器开放的端口 一般是 8080 3128 的
注意勾选 'Preserve log' 以保留日志, 可以看到第一个 80 端口的请求会被响应一个 301 跳转, 并指示跳转目标, 也即是 Location 字段中的 https 请求, 浏览器接收此跳转指示并重新发起 https 请求, 也即是图中第二个http://xiaogd.net的请求. 所以地址栏最终还是会变成 https 的, 特此说明. 此时如果你输...
Internet-side ports 80, 8080, and 443 are disabled by a carrier. If Internet-side port 80, 8080, or 443 is enabled in NAT, users cannot access the intranet. In the following example, Internet-side port 80 is configured as a NAT static. [Huawei-GigabitEthernet1/0/0] nat static ...
Thedisadvantage: A webserver shouldn’t run as root.If you want to do this nevertheless, edit/etc/tomcat7/server.xmland change the connector port from 8080 to just 80: <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" connectionTimeout="20000" redirectPort="8443...
In the above example, image nginx only listens on port 80. Test this web server imagetadeugr/aks-mgmt, which listens on 80 and 8080 using Pod sample as shown. Hence if you edit Service, targetPort to 80 and 8080 both ports should work. ...
I followed the instructions as defined by microsoft at I used telnet to test the ports and both 80 and 8080 are closed. please advise as we need to deploy this application to our remote customers asap. ...
Port 80, 8080, and 443 are enabled by default. Modifying the configuration You can disable and enable the ports as needed. Modification limitations If HTTPS access or forced HTTPS redirection is enabled for a domain name, Port 443 cannot be disabled. ...