;Database={your_database};Port=5432;User Id=jasonp2@jasonp2testsql;Password={your_password};Ssl Mode=Require; 你也可以参考这篇文章。 C#SqlConnection异常:关键字不支持“Port” 官方文件对你很有用。
I searched hard and many people have a similar question, but I cannot find a clear answer. I have a 3-node Windows Server 2008 R2 cluster, with 3 Named Instances of SQL Server 2012 w/SP1. All 64-bit. I only used static IP addresses for everything, including the SQL Instances. I th...
whois++ 64| communication interface 65|TACACS database services 66|Oracle SQL*NET 67| bootstrap protocol server 68| bootstrap protocol client 69| small file transfer protocol 70| information retrieval protocol 71| remote job service 72| remote job service 73| remote job service 74| remote job...