最后总结一下,在vowifi场景下,NAT是肯定存在的,所以500端口只有第一个请求才会用到,后面都是4500,(而且4500这个 UDP-encapsulated ESP and IKE是不可以配置和更改的,是RFC规定死的 )。 但是回到标准IPSEC建立过程中,只有500,没有4500(因为正常IPSEC是不需要考虑NAT的存在),所以4500这个端口的引入,并不是IPSEC协议...
最后总结一下,在vowifi场景下,NAT是肯定存在的,所以500端口只有第一个请求才会用到,后面都是4500,(而且4500这个 UDP-encapsulated ESP and IKE是不可以配置和更改的,是RFC规定死的 )。 但是回到标准IPSEC建立过程中,只有500,没有4500(因为正常IPSEC是不需要考虑NAT的存在),所以4500这个端口的引入,并不是IPSEC协议...
最后总结一下,在vowifi场景下,NAT是肯定存在的,所以500端口只有第一个请求才会用到,后面都是4500,(而且4500这个 UDP-encapsulated ESP and IKE是不可以配置和更改的,是RFC规定死的 )。 但是回到标准IPSEC建立过程中,只有500,没有4500(因为正常IPSEC是不需要考虑NAT的存在),所以4500这个端口的引入,并不是IPSEC协议...
在vowifi测试中,某客户遇到关于ipsec 500和4500端口的问题。这些问题涉及到IPSEC的两个关键端口:500端口是ISAKMP端口,4500端口用于UDP封装的ESP和IKE。以下是对这些问题的详细解释。1. IPSEC的正常封装和端口使用:IPSEC建立分为三个阶段:阶段1(建立IKE SA)、阶段1.5(可选的xauth)、阶段2(建立最...
And UDP 500 is for ISAKMP which is used to negotiate the IKE Phase 1 in IPSec Site-to-Site vpn & is default port number for isakmp, used when there is no NATing in the transit path of the vpn traffic. This is why we need UDP 4500. Hope I am not confusing you, if yes, please...
And UDP 500 is for ISAKMP which is used to negotiate the IKE Phase 1 in IPSec Site-to-Site vpn & is default port number for isakmp, used when there is no NATing in the transit path of the vpn traffic. This is why we need UDP 4500. Hope I am not confusing you, if yes, please...
IPsec ISAKMP UDP 500 NAT-T UDP 4500 RPC TCP 135 RPC randomly allocated high TCP ports¹ TCP 49152 - 65535 SMB TCP 445¹ For more information about how to customize this port, see Domain controllers and Active Directory in the References section. This section also includes remote ...
Ideally i want UDP 500 and 4500 to NAT as well.Packet Tracer for random UDP port 400 shows NAT happening, but port 500 shows not. > show conn | include 172.18.6.UDP Guest outside, idle 0:00:08, bytes 899668, flags - N1NOT Triggering any NAT ...
Ideally i want UDP 500 and 4500 to NAT as well.Packet Tracer for random UDP port 400 shows NAT happening, but port 500 shows not. > show conn | include 172.18.6.UDP Guest outside, idle 0:00:08, bytes 899668, flags - N1NOT Triggering any NAT ...
IPsec ISAKMP UDP 500 NAT-T UDP 4500 RPC TCP 135 RPC randomly allocated high TCP ports¹ TCP 49152 - 65535 SMB TCP 445¹ For more information about how to customize this port, see Domain controllers and Active Directory in the References section. This section also includes remote ...