If you have multiple Windows Server 2012 machines and want to open port 443 on all of them, you can use Group Policy to achieve this. Here are the steps: Log in to a domain controller as an administrator. Launch the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC). Create a new Group Policy Obje...
TCP 443 (HTTPS) Um mit den Directory-Controllern zu kommunizieren, müssen die folgenden Ports zwischen Ihrer WorkSpaces VPC und Ihren Directory-Controllern geöffnet sein. Für ein Simple AD AD-Verzeichnis hat die Sicherheitsgruppe, AWS Directory Service die von erstellt wurde, diese Ports korr...
Port 3702 (UDP) is used to discover the availability of cached content on a client. Port 80 (TCP) is used to serve content to requesting clients. Port 443 (TCP) is the default port that is used by the hosted cache to accept incoming client offers for content....
As far as the client PC is concerned it is only using port 443. -TP Friday, August 24, 2012 12:41 PM Cool we want only 443 but client only has 1 server available so the best way to go is RD GW and RD H on same server in this situation. Thanks for info TP!
PortQry Version 2.0 Log File System Date: Thu Sep 16 10:35:03 2021 Command run: portqry -n -e 443 -nr -l pqlog.txt -q Local computer name: SOURCESERVER Querying target system called: TCP port 443 (https service): LISTENING === end o...
controllerLeaseTTL:0 controllers:'*' corsAllowedOrigins: - - -localhost -paas.mycompany.com disabledFeatures:null ... Et voilà! Your OpenShift master console should now be available on port 443 Author Akram Ben Aissi ...
Email server (SMTP) – UDP on port 251 REST Web Service (HTTP) – TCP on port 801 SNMP manager – UDP on port 1612, 1621 MS Azure – UDP on port 4431 Syslog – UDP on port 5141 Apple push3 –TCP on ports 443, 2195, 5223 Google push4 –TCP on ports 443, 5288, 5299, 5230 ...
Also, the actual redirection port depends on how you are deploying. If you directly let APISIX listen on ports 80 and 443, you won't have this problem. For the APISIX Ingress controller project, we need to keep its behavior consistent with APISIX to avoid confusion for users. So for this...
Sorry@vizeitfor the late reply. I did not had the possibility and rights to change the cluster config from 6443 to 443, so I could not test it. The solution which work for me is the following config: hub:networkPolicy:egress: -ports: -port:6443 ...
The current open ports are 1723, 23, 33953, 443 Thank you in advance for your help 0 Helpful Reply Dimitrios1434 Level 1 In response to Dimitrios1434 06-11-2019 04:14 AM Hi all, The issue has been solved. I should have logged in to the configure terminal and inserted ...