Note: Do not use the port range 20:21 for an FTP server if the AiDisk service on the router has been enabled. The FTP server is now running using the following settings: Host: Port: 2021 Source Target Rules that only the IP address can be forwarded for the match port ...
Ports 20 and 21: File Transfer Protocol (FTP). FTP is for transferring files between a client and a server. Port 22: Secure Shell (SSH). SSH is one of many tunneling protocols that create secure network connections. Port 25: Historically, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). SMTP is use...
•20 and 21 TCP port for FTP. These ports can be use to FTP files directly to Jetdirect print servers. HP Jetdirect listens on TCP port 20 for FTP connection requests. Port 21 is the control port, which the Jetdirect will listen on for the initial connection. After the connection is ...
针对FTP服务器前面的防火墙来说,必须允许以下通讯才能支持主动方式FTP:任何端口到FTP服务器的21端口 (客户端初始化的连接到FTP服务器);FTP服务器的21端口到大于1023的端口(服务器响应客户端的控制端口);FTP服务器的20端口到大于1023的端口(服务器端初始化数据连接到客户端的数据端口);大于1023端口到FTP服务...
FTP客户端使用N(N>1023)端口连接到FTP服务器的21端口,发送用户名和密码登录,登录成功后要list列表或者读取数据时,客户端开放N+1端口,发送 PORT命令到FTP服务器,告诉服务器客户端采用主动模式并开放端口;FTP服务器收到PORT主动模式命令和端口号后,通过服务器的20端口和客户端开放的端口连接,发送数据.被动模式...
Are Other FTP Ports Used for Connections? Yes. More ports are used, with differences based on the type of FTP. Other ports are also used in the case of SFTP, which is a totally different protocol. FTP has been officially assigned ports 20 and 21. If specifically using an “active” con...
The company computer A provides the web service 80 port and the FTP service 21 port There is one VPS, which public IP is Demand: You can access the 80 port of the company's computer by access to VPS's 28080 port at home. You can access the 21 port of the company's ...
a: For FTP, a second connection is dynamically created on other ports for the transfer of data. The Astaro Security Gateway must be able to assign this to the allowed FTP connection on port 21. :为FTP,第二连接在其他口岸动态地被创造为数据调动。 Astaro安全门户在口岸21一定能分配此到允许的...
The daemon runs the parameter --forever, for example: proxy http --forever ,The proxy will fork the child process, and then monitor the child process. If the child process exits abnormally, restart the child process after 5 seconds.
Different services use different service ports, such as Port 80 for HTTP service, port 21 for FTP service, port 25 for SMTP service, and port 110 for POP3 service. Please verify the service port number before the configuration. Note: Currently, some Deco models only support 16 port forwarding...