718 Cayman GT4 RS | Porsche Car Configurator|718,韩雪以第十二名的成绩压线成团,让不少人意外。不过,韩雪表示,“之前我也没想过能成团”。
logo on the headrests. sport chrono package. sport chrono package with mode switch. 20-inch wheels . 20-inch 718 sport wheels in satin black. gallery. configure now. go to the configurator next chapter models & data consumption and emissions. 718 boxster gts 4.0 (wltp)* 10,9 – 10,1 ...
Note: Further information on the options can be found in both the Porsche Car Configurator or at your Porsche Centre. Inspirations 718 GT4 RS in Violametallic Galerie Exclusive 718 Exclusive 718 Exclusive 718 Exclusive 718 Cayman S Exclusive 718 Cayman S Exclusive 718 Cayman S Exclusive 718 Caym...
Driveaway pricing available via the Porsche Car Configurator at Porsche.com.au. All prices shown are based on a standard specification vehicle with no optional equipment (unless otherwise selected). Final prices may vary from dealer to dealer and according to individual circumstances. Prices are ...
20吋 718 Cayman GT4 RS 鍛造鋁合金輪圈 20吋 718 Cayman GT4 RS 鍛造鎂合金輪圈 $871,200 烤漆輪圈 輪圈配件 內裝顏色與材質 Race-Tex 材質 真皮內裝搭配 Race-Tex 材質,黑色 / 冰極灰色 (Black / Arctic Grey) $0 Race-Tex 材質搭配真皮延伸內裝 真皮延伸內裝搭配 Race-Tex 材質,黑色 / 冰極灰...
您的718 Cayman GT4 RS 配置 基础价格 ¥1,578,000 所选配置价格 ¥0 总价* ¥1,578,000 * 所列的制造商建议零售价 (含增值税) 仅供参考, 并不包括运输费用、 税费 (另有明确规定的除外)、 牌照、 所有权、 非强制或地区性要求的设备。 特别是, 制造商建议零售价 (含增值税) 并未包含 2016 ...
Once you select a model and fire up the configurator, Porsche Cars North America informs the user that emission and consumption values are currently unavailable. A metallic finish adds $830 to the price while special colors such as Carmine Red go for $3,270. For custom colors, prepare $11,...
Hier finden Sie die Übersicht aller Porsche Modelle. Zu jedem Modell bietet Ihnen Porsche Porsche detaillierte Beschreibungen, technische Daten, einen Configurator, etc.
logo on the headrests. sport chrono package. sport chrono package with mode switch. 20-inch wheels . 20-inch 718 sport wheels in satin black. gallery. configure now. go to the configurator next chapter models & data consumption and emissions. 718 boxster gts 4.0 (wltp)* 10,9 – 10,1 ...
718 Spyder RS 标准配置: 黑色真皮表面:座椅软垫、座椅头枕、方向盘安全气囊模组、门板扶手侧面、中控台储物箱盖侧围板。 包裹黑色 Race-Tex 面料:方向盘轮圈、选档杆护罩、PDK 选档杆握把、车内门把手、门板扶手、中控台储物箱盖扶手和 A 柱。黄色方向盘顶部中心标记和黑色三点式安全带。