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DRIVE A PORSCHE 911 GT2 RS ON A RACETRACK!The Porsche 911 GT2 RS is the pinnacle of performance and engineering within the 911 lineup. Known as the “Widowmaker,” this supercar combines staggering power with precision handling, making it the ultimate track weapon. At its heart is a 3.8-...
For Sale 6 Avg $406,064 Sales Count 107 Dollar Volume $43.0m Lowest Sale $265,477 Top Sale $1.0m Most Recent $940,000 SalesMileageValuesVolumeLocations Zoom: 1m3m6mYTD1y5y From To Loading...Looking to sell your Porsche 911 GT2 RS - 991.2? Sell your car with ...
911 GT2 RS 的全新轻合金车轮采用铂色金属漆 (高光),轮辋上带有明显的“GT2 RS”嵌入式标志。 在这一性能水平的车型中,中央锁止系统无疑是标准配置。中央车轮螺栓为黑色,带有特色鲜明的“RS”标志。 标配的轮胎气压监控系统 (TPM) 不仅可以在逐渐或突然损失压力时发出警告,而且还具备运动模式,该模式会将赛程之初...
In comparison to the existing 911 GT2, the RS has 90 bhp more and weighs 70 kilograms (154 lb) less, consumes 5% less fuel at 11.9 ltr/100 km (equal to 23.7 mpg) and emits 5% less CO2 at 284 g/km. It's the blistering performance which will pull the punters though. The 620 bhp...
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保时捷 Porsche GT2 RS Clubsport 保时捷 > R > T2 > 2024-08-14 22:45:40438播放 内容由作者提供,不代表易车立场网友评论 登录易车,写下您的槽点 你好! 发布 0/500 相关车型 保时捷911 137.60-734.80万 获取底价 接下来要看 保时捷911参数配置 保时捷品牌大全 保时捷911报价 保时捷911图片 保时捷911点评 ...
100台跑车聊一聊 003.保时捷911 GT2RS 🚗保时捷 Porsche 作为一个991.1 C2S车主,我一如既往得捍卫911的经典,外观不接受反驳!本以为997的911已经是“最美”911了,但是991的出现又刷新了我对”曲线美”的认知。只不过991.2和992都只有涡轮了,我也就不怎么感兴趣了,有钱继续上GT3和RS吧!🚗 GT2RS是从993开始...