911TurboS Cabriolet From $ 243,200 * 640 hp Max. engine power 2.7 s 0 - 60 mph with Sport Chrono Package 205 mph Top track speed (with summer tires) Technical SpecsBuild YourPorscheNew & Used Inventory Back to beginning * Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. Excludes options; taxes; ...
First things first: the rear. Because this is where the heart of every 911 has beaten since 1963 and the heart of every 911Turbosince 1974: the horizontally opposed engine. The rear of the 911TurboS is powerfully designed: it is wider. 20mm wider than previous models, to be precise. Th...
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全新保时捷911 Turbo S唯美视频,这是无数人梦中的开车场景 239 -- 7:52 App Porsche 911 Turbo S - A Model for Eternity 4701 15 8:08 App EVO车评:保时捷 911 Turbo S 1.8万 128 6:52 App 保时捷911 Turbo S Stinger GTR 850马力,峰值扭矩960牛·米;0~100km/h 2.2秒。 1.9万 8 2:02 App...
PORSCHE设计语言保时捷内饰跑车驾驶保时捷新911 Turbo内饰撩人心扉,纯跑车式的风格依旧延续了保时捷家族的设计语言.有人说跑车是用来追求驾驶感的,无须花哨的内饰,但如果没有驾驶感的内饰营造,怎能让你更加充满激情.经典的红色中,有了她的依偎,新911 Turbo却也透露出一丝唯美的气息.徐倩顾海兵摄影轿车情报...
迄今为止最强大的保时捷公路跑车——Porsche 911 Turbo S来了 日前,2021款保时捷911 Turbo S首次亮相于德国汽车工程展,并成为该品牌迄今为止最强大的车型。911 Turbo S采用四轮驱动系统,搭载有一台3.8升平直六引擎涡轮增压引擎,最大输出功率和扭矩分别达到640马力和590磅英尺,0-60英里/小时加速仅需2.6秒,这...
这是一台Manhart为保时捷911 Turbo S开发的TR 800车型,该车外观采用橙黑色配色,非常适合万圣节的套装配色。 按照Manhart的改装特点,这台车毫无疑问在前分流器、进气框架、后视镜盖、发动机盖进气口和尾翼上都采用了碳纤维材质打造,除此以外,该车还采用设计有六对双辐条和缎黑色饰面的中央锁止轮圈。
The 2025 Porsche 911 Turbo is the Clark Kent of 911s. Who knew it’s really Superman, able to best Ferraris and Lamborghinis in a single run?