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Discover the combination of classic flat-6 engine, sharpened design, digital driver experience – and the legendary 911 driving feeling.
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294 km/h Velocità massima Tutti i dettagli tecnici The one and always. Chi sogna una Porsche, di solito ha in mente questo modello: da 60 anni la 911 è la quintessenza di una vettura sportiva emozionante e potente, adatta all'uso quotidiano. Siediti al volante della nuova 911 ed en...
懂车帝用户永达保时捷合肥庐阳店发布了一条小视频,视频内容为:Porsche 911 CarreraGT 银金属漆 GT 银金属漆“911” 标志
白色和红色保时捷911涡轮增压器(white and red Porsche 911 Turbo) 黑色保时捷911卡雷拉跑车停在砖墙旁(black Porsche 911 Carrera coupe parked beside brick wall) 停在路边的蓝色保时捷911(blue Porsche 911 parked beside road) 经典棕色保时捷911日间行车时带防滚翻保护架的选择性聚焦摄影(selective focus photograph...
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See our expert review on the 2025 Porsche 911 and where it ranks among other luxury sports cars. Research the ratings, prices, pictures, MPG and more.
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