保时捷发布911 Sport Classic,基于Turbo S打造,限量1250台,输出543马力,配备7速手动变速器,后轮驱动,起价27.5万欧元。鸭尾设计致敬上世纪70年代的911卡雷拉RS 2.7,外观和内饰都有多处特别设计,徽章和911刻字为手工镀金打造,盾标为1963年款式,尾部圆章来自经典的35
Porsche 911 Sport Classic UK 2023款🔥 全新保时捷911运动经典以其永恒的风格、设计工艺和完美的技术而著称。这款车的特点是配备了手动变速箱的双涡轮增压平六缸发动机,其独特的设计灵感来自于历史上标志性的911车型。这是斯图加特跑车制造商从其遗产设计战略中提出的四个收藏家项目中的第二个。♥️#小将超话#...
Porsche 911 FOR SALE: 2023 Porsche 911 Sport Classic Featuring a paint-to-sample Oslo Blue finish and a Heritage Design interior Porsche 911 FOR SALE: 2024 Porsche 911 S/T Finished in paint-to-sample Auratium Green and comes with $20,360 Heritage Design Package Porsche 911 Driving the Tuthi...
限量911 S/T公路试驾&技术细节 - 密齿比手动+最轻992+POV声浪 "A Car You Wished For" by savagegeese 5.5万 18 1:28 App 三幻神一起出街,这应该是国内首次,场面相当震撼,帕加尼Huayra 睚眦,布加迪Chiron Sport,柯尼塞格Agera R,兰博基尼SVJ 沪B88888 4259 5 1:45 App 开起来很经济,但买起来很贵的汽...
See our expert review on the 2025 Porsche 911 and where it ranks among other luxury sports cars. Research the ratings, prices, pictures, MPG and more.
Bid for the chance to own a 3,300-Mile 2022 Porsche 911 Carrera Cabriolet at auction with Bring a Trailer, the home of the best vintage and classic cars online. Lot #178,445.
1972 was also the first and only time to date where the oil tank was mounted ahead of the right-rear wheel (other than the few 911Rs in 1967 and 1968) for weight distribution reasons. We can't talk about the classic 911 without mentioning the most famous 911 of all. The 1973 911 ...
请先或 点赞8 微博 QQ空间 微信 The Ice Runner Porsche 911 Sport Classic 4K 911 >R >Porsche 911 > 2024-10-20 21:15:31837播放 内容由作者提供,不代表易车立场 相关车型 保时捷911 129.80-734.80万 获取底价 纯电侠新能源汽车A 93 作品 460 ...
楼主 35:31回复0浏览 1 Porsche 911 Sport Classic (992)
Now, any readers over 13 years of age will remember that back in 2009 Porsche unveiled a Sport Classic based on the 997-gen 911, and this new one follows a very similar theme. It’ll be a limited edition with just 1,250 examples available worldwide and in the UK at least it’ll co...