Free E-mail Bible Study Humility: Disciple's Guide to a Humble Life Along with the "free sex" movement that began in the '60s came a loosening of restrictions on pornography. If "looking on a woman to commit adultery with her in your heart" (Matthew 5:28) is Jesus' definition of ...
Now, if we apply this definition to the Garden of Eden, we are forced to conclude that Eden was not, in fact, perfect. Eden was good, as Genesis tells us over and over. He created this and that, and it was good. He created human beings, and it was very good. But it doesn’t...
"Acquired tastes" are by definition learned, unlike "tastes," which are inborn. A baby needn't acquire a taste for milk, water, or sweets; these are immediately perceived as pleasant.Acquired tastesareinitiallyexperienced with indifference or dislike butlaterbecome pleasant — the odors of cheeses...
Before he could be judged, a definition of sexual relations needed to be defined: See (Perjury about sexual relations from the Paula Jones deposition After long debates this following definition was approved: “For the purposes of this deposition, a person engages in sexual relations when the per...