Mobile home gable porch roof with porch steps located in middle This Ready Decks ® porch design has an accessible wheel chair ramp AND curb appeal Tip: Porch Designs for Mobile HomesIf you live in an area that is prone to the wind blowing leaves and other debris on your porch, consider...
All steel structure well painted & reliable, the wall & roof material is insulated. Come with COMPLETE WALL, ROOF, ELECTRICS, PLUMBING & FLOOR. Can be used for Disaster relief, site office, accommodation, storage, Emergency Function, Outdoor Cafe, etc. WELLCAMP Expandable Container hav...
DAVE: Yeah, when you say portico that brings up a really good point. There are a lot of those, a lot of porticos. Some have hardly any roof over them, any cover over them. Other ones have smaller ones but your idea of having at least 6 feet is making sure that if you're going...
Roof materials:Depending on the type of porch you’re building and the mobile home you have, the roof may either be adjoined to the mobile home or separate from it. Either way, you’re going to need some sort of roofing material on top of it, just as you would for your main mobile...