We had a local wood turner fabricate 10 turned posts out of Douglas fir. While the post profile suggests the original posts, the design is new, with five slightly shorter 90-inch-long posts for the upper level and 108-inch-long posts for the lower level, and all 10 posts turned to acc...
In addition, I use post plates to keep the posts away from the concrete. Concrete and wood do not mix as concrete retains moisture eventually rotting the posts. Check with your local building codes to see what is required and/or expected before you begin building. How...
InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website. - Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - SeeWHO ARE WE? Index to Decks & Porches: Design, Build, Troubleshoot, Repair ...
I’ve been obsessed with Craftsman style homes for many years… I can remember when we were a young married couple living in Salt Lake City, I would admire all the Craftsman style homes. They had darling front porches with the signature columns that showcased the hand-crafted look. Last sum...