The cost for veneers and crowns is usually about the same, so there’s no motivation for your dentist to recommend one over the other in that sense. If you’ve just had front teeth for a while, they very likely may have experienced more wear and tear than you realize. A common locatio...
Page details –Last update: June 14, 2022Authored byAnimated-Teeth Staff Dentist Page Top Page references sources: Smales RJ, et al. Long-term survival of porcelain veneers using two preparation designs. Walls AW, et al. Crowns and other extra-coronal restorations: porcelain laminate veneers. ...
is in comparison to the shorter 5 to 7 years of lifespan for composites or resin veneers. On the plus side, resin is cheaper to allow for easier reapplication. They might not be as tough as crowns but they approach that toughness even when front teeth don’t require that much hardness....
Nowadays, the ceramic veneer approach can be considered more predictable than direct composite veneer. To date, there is a lack of studies comparing the clinical performance of anterior veneers cemented on vital teeth (VT) and non-vital teeth (NVT). This