In android,Popup Menudisplays a list of items in a modal popup window that is anchored to theview. The popup menu will appear below theviewif there is a room or above the view in case if there is no space and it will be closed automatically when we touch outside of the popup. The ...
popup.setOnMenuItemClickListener(newPopupMenu.OnMenuItemClickListener(){ @Override publicbooleanonMenuItemClick(MenuItem item){ switch(item.getItemId()) { returntrue; startActivity(toTasks); returntrue; startActivity(toDist); returntrue; ca...
简介: PopupMenu 代表弹出式菜单,它会在指定组件上,默认情况下,PopupMenu会显示该组件,PopupMenu可增加多个菜单项。...实际效果: --- 具体实现部分:首先是主活动中的调用: public class MainActivity extends Activity { Popup...
2) XML File:(menu_popup) <?xmlversion="1.0"encoding="utf-8"?><menuxmlns:android=""><itemandroid:id="@+id/one"android:title="Android"/><itemandroid:id="@+id/two"android:title="Java"/><itemandroid:id="@+id/three"android:title="C/C++"/...
使用PopupMenu实现弹出菜单 一、目标 二、体验地址 三、功能设计 四、准备工作 1. PopupMenu 2. AlertDialog 五、组合起来 1. 弹出菜单 2. 处理菜单事件 六、Finally 一、目标 使用弹出菜单,完成文件夹收藏功能。 我的笔记 搜索 长按列表项,弹出菜单收藏文件夹。 二、体验地址 神马笔记最新版本:【神马笔记 版本...
import'package:flutter/material.dart';//应用启动voidmain()=>runApp(MyApp());classMyAppextendsStatelessWidget{// 这个App的根Widget@overrideWidgetbuild(BuildContextcontext){returnMaterialApp(title:'FlutterDemo',//应用名theme:ThemeData(// 这个应用的主题/// 你用 "flutter run"运行这个应用,你将看到一个...
PopupMenuButton uses offset to adjust placement of the popup menu. That works in some places like the top bar actions, but for my case I use it on a bottom bar with a runtime generated list, that means that at compile time there is no wa...
It does align, yes, but in order for theMenuItemto be with spec, it only can have 12dp horizontal padding. (Which was why I removed the padding; for displaying) As an example, check: Material 3 Compose Sample App: Reproducible sample added with the issue on dart pad: ...
showPopupMenu方法的调用位置不正确:确保在正确的位置调用showPopupMenu方法。通常,在长按事件监听器的回调方法中调用该方法,例如OnLongClickListener的onLongClick方法中。 showPopupMenu方法的参数设置不正确:showPopupMenu方法接受一个PopupMenu对象作为参数,该对象包含要显示的菜单项。确保正确创建PopupMenu对象,并将其...
Now while you are in the debugging process, it’s possible to Step Out of the current block. This new action is available from the main menu | Run while you are debugging. Of course, you can assign your own shortcut for this action. The Step Out of the block actio...