The proportion of pachytene was positively correlated with the average rate of triploid production in each bud developmental stage. Thus, among the phases of meiosis, the pachytene stage may be most susceptible to heat treatments aiming to diploidise the megaspores inP. pseudo-simonii. The megas...
Thus, among the phases of meiosis, the pachytene stage may be most susceptible to heat treatments aiming to diploidise the megaspores in P. pseudo-simonii. The megasporocytes in these treated flower buds were mostly in the first meiotic division stages, suggesting that the first meiotic ...
simonii pachytene chromosomes that were well dispersed using the squashing method. Dispersion can be improved by increasing the strength of squashing, but local mechanical stretching of the pachytene chromosome will increase. Twenty-six of the 38 chromosomes in P. simonii are metacentric chromosomes...