Additional information Answers 1. a) 2. b) 3. d) 4. c) Rights and permissions Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article Filler, G., Lee, M. Educational review: measurement of GFR in special populations. Pediatr Nephrol 33, 2037–2046 (2018).
"It's helpful if communities can pitch in to help," he adds. Geoff LeBaron, director of the Christmas Bird Count at the National Audubon Society, says he has seen the effects of climate change firsthand. "I've been a birder since I was a little kid," he says. "It's clear that ...
Once the reviewers had reached an agreement, each review was given one point for each positive “yes” answer, a half-point for “unclear” answers, and zero points for “no” answers. This tool was used to assess and report on the reviews’ methodological quality rather than as a ...
Answers to these questions are dependent upon better understanding past and current urbanization trends to better predict future trends, minimize potential adverse outcomes and environmental impact, and maximize the benefits that can come from urbanization [1,4,5,6]. Accordingly, there is a continued...
Data were collected via an online questionnaire, for which the participants were scored on answers to pro-environmental behaviour questions, which, in turn, were correlated against established influences of such behaviour. A multiple linear regression analysis examined the level of significance that ...
The qualitative values were translated into quantitative ones (e.g., answers Yes/No were coded as 1/0). In the questions where there are more than two possible ordered values for the answers, the smallest value has been assigned the value 0, and the others have been assigned the ...
Among the potential answers discussed in that paper, the most interesting answers are briefly summarized below. One factor considered was the influence of Chinese script. It consists of several thousand symbols with varying complexities. Consequently, Chinese students must invest a lot of time in ...