Recombination is a central biological process with implications for many areas in the life sciences. Yet we are only beginning to appreciate variation in the recombination rate along the genome and among individuals, populations and species. Spurred by t
Perhaps most importantly, studies of genomic differentiation, which necessarily capture the consequences of total RI (along with other evolutionary processes and demographic factors), have rarely been integrated with experimental data to study how specific components of RI evolve as speciation unfolds (see...
Populations of organisms change over time because particular heritable variations make some individuals more likely to survive and produce offspring. a. True. b. False. State True or False: According to natural selection, individual organisms can evolve new phenotpes in response to their e...
Census (N) and effective population size (Ne) are key parameters that can affect adaptation, drift, and dispersal. The census population sizeNrefers to the total number of individuals or cells and can influence random dispersal as more individuals or cells increase the chances of arriving at new...
Despite extreme sex ratio biases caused by symbionts, nuclear suppressor alleles do not always evolve rapidly. For instance, the male-killing Wolbachia in the butterfly Hypolimnas bolina on Independent Samoa has reached extremely high frequencies, only 1 in 100 individuals is male, but nuclear ...
and STRUCTURE analyses based on nSSRs dividedP. zhennanpopulations/individuals into three categories, and populations from the northwest region (e.g., Sichuan and Chongqing Provinces) were the corresponding potential distribution centers. The populations and/or individuals did not cluster populations stric...
(F6 generation). Nine individuals representing three populations (three accessions per population) were collected from the F1 generation and the F6 progenies of the same nine parents were used for bisulfite sequencing. All the samples corresponded to the mid flowering stage of the plant. DNA was ...
Background: Hamilton suggested that cooperation would evolve most readily in viscous (low dispersal) populations, because nearby individuals would have high genetic relatedness. However, Taylor (1992) found that the indirect fitness gains achieved by cooperation with relatives is exactly offset by local...
Diploid individuals with identical sex alleles develop as diploid males, but these do not survive to adulthood or cannot sire normal offspring (Cook and Crozier, 1995; Beye et al., 2003). Because of this system of sex determination, populations need a large number of sex 1College of Plant ...
Of note here is that all individuals except the Yoruba show a consistent value for these inferred parameters across both number of components and value of ω. The larger variance of the estimated values for the Yoruba individual suggests that a symmetrical island model may not be enough to ...