5.population- the act of populating (causing to live in a place); "he deplored the population of colonies with convicted criminals" colonisation,colonization,settlement- the act of colonizing; the establishment of colonies; "the British colonization of America" ...
At this stage the population pyramid is broad at the base but since the mortality rate is high across all ages—and the risk of death is particularly high for children—the pyramid gets much narrower towards the top. • Stage 2: mortality falls but birth rates still high. In the second...
population - the act of populating (causing to live in a place); "he deplored the population of colonies with convicted criminals" colonisation, colonization, settlement - the act of colonizing; the establishment of colonies; "the British colonization of America" Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex cli...
an aggregate of social entities or phenomena that share general characteristics but differ in a number of variable attributes. The entities or phenomena constitute the elements, or units, of the statistical population. Thus, the elements of a statistical population may be the inhabitants of a countr...
The primary fertility index for a population, the total fertility rate (TFR), cannot be calculated for many areas and periods because it requires disaggregation of births by mother's age. Here we discuss a flexible framework for estimating TFR using inputs as minimal as a population pyramid. ...
age pyramid A graph of the number (or percentage) of people in a population distributed by age and sex, in which the ages are represented by bars stacked horizontally. age and sex structure The distribution of a population according to age and sex. cohort data Data referring to people who ...
population pyramid vital rates age distribution mortality (Show more) On the Web: CellPress - Population Structure, Stratification, and Introgression of Human Structural Variation(Feb. 01, 2025) (Show more) See all related content population, inhumanbiology, thewhole numberof inhabitants occupying an...
10 to 30 percent of the genes in natural populations consist of two or more alleles. From the evolutionary standpoint, genetic heterogeneity—that is, the accumulation of hereditary variations by a population—is a peculiar “mobilization reserve” (I. I. Shmal’gauzen) used by a population du...
a prison population of 44,000 44,000名囚犯sìwàn sìqiān míng qiúfàn 在这些条目还发现'population': 在英文解释里: age distribution-birth rate-carrying capacity-census-countryside-cull-decimation-demographic-demography-depopulate-mortality rate-populace-population pyramid-section-subpopulation-unemployment ...
population pyramid population scientist population shift populational Populator Populicide Populin populism populist Populist Party populist shop steward populistic Populosity populous Populus Populus alba Populus balsamifera Populus canescens Populus deltoides Populus grandidentata Populus heterophylla Populus nigra ...