Population pyramid, graphical representation of the age and sex composition of a specific population. The age and sex structure of the population determines the ultimate shape of a population pyramid, such that the representation may take the form of a p
Population Geography Research Group population growth Population growth graph Population growth graph Population growth rate Population growth rate Population growth rate Population health Population Health and Environment Population Health and Service Management Information ...
population pyramid Dictionary Thesaurus Financial Encyclopedia Wikipedia pop·u·la·tion pyr·a·mid graphicrepresentationoftheageandgendercompositionof apopulation,constructedbycomputingthepercentagedistributionofthepopulationineachageandsexclass. FarlexPartnerMedicalDictionary©Farlex2012...
Population - Geography, Urbanization, Distribution: It goes without saying that populations are scattered across space. The typical measure of population in relation to land area, that of population density, is often a meaningless one, since different ar
At this stage the population pyramid is broad at the base but since the mortality rate is high across all ages—and the risk of death is particularly high for children—the pyramid gets much narrower towards the top. • Stage 2: mortality falls but birth rates still high. In the second...
Age structure of a population is the distribution of people among various ages and it is represented by a pyramid. This bracket of ages for both men and women is very important to social scientists, public health and health care experts, policy analysts, and policy-makers; because it illustrat...
For example, whereas the basicranium develops early in life, with some components (e.g. the petrous pyramid of the temporal bone) almost fully formed in utero, other regions form later in life and are subject to epigenetic effects. Therefore, it was hypothesized that certain components of ...
Ghardaïa, AlgeriaCity of Ghardaïa, built around a mosque with a pyramid-style minaret in the M'zab Oasis, north-central Algeria. By 1847 the French had largely suppressed Algerian resistance to the invasion and the following year made Algeria adépartementof France. French colonists modernize...
(see, for example, the development of the population pyramid of London in theAppendix, Figure 10). The effect of migration at working ages on the TSR (Fig.3e), apart from the mentioned above metropolitan areas regularity, shows some east-west gradient: emigration of working-age population ...
Developed nations usually have an equal distribution of people throughout the different age groups, indicating slowedpopulationgrowth. Some, however, show negative population growth when the number of children are equal or slightly lower than older adults. Japan'spopulation pyramid, for example, shows...