Kawasaki, city and port, northwestern Kanagawa ken (prefecture), east-central Honshu, Japan. It lies on the western shore of Tokyo Bay, between Tokyo (north) and Yokohama (south). Its population is the third largest in the Tokyo-Yokohama metropolitan are
Japan's total fertility rate is 1.4, which is below the replacement rate necessary for a stable population of 2.1. As Japan's age-sex pyramid shows, the country has a huge number of elderly and middle-aged adults. About 40 percent of Japan's population is expected to be over 65 by 206...
Recharging Japan: Population Pyramid a Thing of the Past
A statistical population may be qualitatively homogeneous, if the most significant indicator (or indicators) is the same for all its elements, or heterogeneous, if it comprises different types of phenomena. A population may be homogeneous in one respect but heterogeneous in another. In bourgeois sta...
Pause The Switzerland Population Pyramid displays age, sex and population data for 100 years. We have chosen the years between 1950-2050 for our Pyramid to show a balance of historical and future projections. Increases or decreases in death rates or in number of children born can affect these ...
population pyramid population scientist population shift populational Populator Populicide Populin populism populist Populist Party populist shop steward populistic Populosity populous Populus Populus alba Populus balsamifera Populus canescens ▼ Full browser ? ▲ Population 0 Population 65 or Over Population ...
a country'sGROSS NATIONAL PRODUCTdivided by its population providing a measure of the country's general prosperity (seeINCOME PER HEAD). In 2004 the UK's population was 59 million (seeFig. 144). By comparison, the population of Germany was 82 million, the USA 288 million, Japan 127 millio...
Define Population decline. Population decline synonyms, Population decline pronunciation, Population decline translation, English dictionary definition of Population decline. adj. Lacking the normal or required population density. un′der·pop·u·la′ti
Contrary to a common belief, the principal factor tending to change the age distribution of a population—and, hence, the general shape of the corresponding pyramid—is not the death ormortalityrates, but rather the rate of fertility. A rise or decline in mortality generally affects all age gr...