2006. Gravi danni da cimici su frumento in Italia centrale: osserva- zioni preliminari. In: Brunelli A, Canova A, Collina M, Editors. Giornate Fitopatologiche, Riccione (RN), 27–29 marzo 2006. Atti 1:175–176 Brown ES. 1965. Notes on the migration and direction ...
(lt;emgt;Sciurus carolinensislt;/emgt;) in Lombardia e stima dei parametri usati nelle simulazioni.lt;/stronggt;#13; La sostituzione da parte dello Scoiattolo grigio (lt;emgt;Sciurus carolinensislt;/emgt;), specie alloctona e invasiva, dello Scoiattolo rosso (lt;emgt;Sciurus ...
Genomic approaches are opening avenues for understanding all aspects of biological life, especially as they begin to be applied to multiple individuals and populations. However, these approaches typically depend on the availability of a sequenced genome for the species of interest. While the number of...
We extracted all data from the official vaccination, COVID-19, demographic, hospital (Italian SDO) and co-pay exemption (Italian “Esenzioni Ticket” file) datasets of the Abruzzo region. Individual data were merged through encrypted fiscal code. 2.2. Statistical Analyses The main analyses ...
Il popolamento dinamico dei campi è una tecnica che consente ai proprietari di siti web di riempire automaticamente i campi dei moduli in base alla selezione dell’utente, al tipo di modulo, alle stringhe di query o alla logica condizionale. Ad esempio, un negozio di e-commerce può cr...
The enigma of Jewish identity: The law of return, theory and practice. Srigim-Lion: Nevo. (in Hebrew). Google Scholar ———. 2018. Who is a Jew? “Beta Israel”: from Ethiopian Exile to Return to Zion. Tel Aviv: Law Books Publishing House (Hebrew). Google Scholar Cytto, O. ...
Analysis of data based on residential zip codes indicates 3 suburbs with a high percentage of Hispanics and blacks with the highest reported cases( Waukegan= 243 cases, Zion= 102 cases, North Chicago=99 cases). Waukegan has greater than 50% hispanics ( 70% Mexican heritage). The overall age...
Analysis of data based on residential zip codes indicates 3 suburbs with a high percentage of Hispanics and blacks with the highest reported cases( Waukegan= 243 cases, Zion= 102 cases, North Chicago=99 cases). Waukegan has greater than 50% hispanics ( 70% Mexican heritage). The overall age...
Download references Author information Authors and Affiliations Cidis Onlus, Centro d’Informazione, Documentazion ed Iniziative per lo sviluppo, via della Viola n. 1, 06100, Perugia, Italy Irene Masci Corresponding author Correspondence to Irene Masci. Rights and permissions Reprints and permissions ...
1 Israel Cattle Breeders Association, Caesarea 38900, Israel 2 ARO, The Volcani Center, Rishon LeZion 15159, Israel * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Genes 2023, 14(3), 588; https://doi.org/10.3390/genes14030588 ...