We geocoded residential data using Google Earth Pro software and OpenStreetMap website considering the coordinates of the centroid of the house of residence of the subjects. We used satellite imagery data available from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) provided by the National ...
Previous literature has established that lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) people are at least as likely to be poor as heterosexual people, standing in cont
See How Much House You Can Afford. Get Pre-Approved Today Demographics Quick Facts The population density in Grand Prairie is 2266% higher than Texas The median age in Grand Prairie is 2% lower than Texas In Grand Prairie 53.08% of the population is White In Grand Prairie 21.28% of ...
See How Much House You Can Afford. Get Pre-Approved Today Demographics Quick Facts The population density inUnited Homeownersis 87% lower thanSan Antonio The median age in United Homeowners is 1% lower than San Antonio In United Homeowners 10.81% of the population is White ...
2012; Whitehouse et al. 2017; May et al. 2017). This type of temporal change in the threshold at which clinicians make a diagnosis provides one explanation of how the rate of ASD-C could increase in the absence of evidence of a change in the frequency of symptoms during the same ...
Zhang and Wang (2004) used the concentration curve and concentration index to study the socioeconomic disparity in obesity among American adults aged 18–60 years and found a reverse association between socio-economic status and obesity among both white women and men, and particularly in young ...
In Ace Lake, a stratified marine-derived system in the Vestfold Hills of East Antarctica, a Chlorobium species of green sulphur bacteria (GSB) is the dominant phototroph, although its seasonal abundance changes more than 100-fold. Here, we analysed 413 Gb of Antarctic metagenome data including...
Many of the genes related to spermatogenesis (CLGN,RFX4,MORC1,TXNDC8,GGN,CATSPERG,DPPA4,DHX36,PPP1R2,GALNT3,NRG3,DKK3) were also identified in sweep regions of Tibetan pig genomes, that might have aided counteracting deleteriously hypoxic effects in reproduction process33,34.CLGN(Calmegin) ...
Otosclerosis is one of the most common causes of conductive hearing loss, affecting 0.3% of the population. It typically presents in adulthood and half of the patients have a positive family history. The pathophysiology of otosclerosis is poorly understo
See How Much House You Can Afford. Get Pre-Approved Today Demographics Quick Facts The population density inHorseshoe Bayis 157% higher thanTexas The median age in Horseshoe Bay is 94% higher than Texas In Horseshoe Bay 84.04% of the population is White ...