Westmoreland County, however, is projected to experience the most significant decline from 2020 to 2050 (-56,857). Other notable population losses will be observed in Bucks (-48,596) and Allegheny (-22,591) counties. The counties with the largest percentage increases in population from 2020 to...
Dips by 1.3 Percent Westmoreland County Population Dips by 1.3 PercentWestmoreland County Population Dips by 1.3 PercentCities in Westmoreland County continued to lose residents overthe past decade, while townships...Stiles, Bob
As Population Declines, Westmoreland County Residents Asked to Reimagine Their CountyIn 1980, before steel mills closed in Latrobe and Monessen andglass production ceased in...Cloonan, Anne
Westmoreland, county, southwestern Pennsylvania, U.S., located just east of Pittsburgh and bounded to the north and northeast by the Kiskiminetas and Conemaugh rivers, to the east by Laurel Hill, to the south by Jacobs Creek, to the west by the Youghiogh
Westmoreland County prison to get population monitorRich Cholodofsky
Bowling, Brian
As Westmoreland County's drug epidemic has grown, so has theinmate population at its jail.Warden...Cholodofsky, Rich
Westmoreland County Seeks to Control Mosquito PopulationIf weather allows, fogging and spraying to control adult mosquitopopulations will take place...By PaterraPaul
Inmate Population on the Rise in Westmoreland; the Inmate Population at Westmoreland County Prison Continued to Rise throughout April, but the Warden Said There Is No Concern That the Lockup Will Become Overcrowded Anytime Soon. [Derived Headline]...